  • 學位論文


Study for the Development of the Confucian School (Ru Jia) in the Northern Region during Ming and Qing Dynasty.

指導教授 : 周志文 高柏園


明清之際(AC1584~1684)是一個天崩地覆的時代,易代之際,當「平日袖手談心性」的士子,面對朝代更迭的變化只能「臨難一死報君王」時,北方的儒學家們卻務實地面對治統改變,在道統的薪傳作努力。 本論文先就「南北」範圍從歷史演繹及呈現之差異作一比較,分別就史實中事實以及學理上的發展了解此兩條基線之明確性;第二章分別從明代政治、經濟暨人才三方面討論,了解南北差異性所造成的事實發展。再接續討論陽明學發展及其門弟子學派之傳承內容、重點,彼此間的同異之處與造成的事實。北方王門在發揚學派上雖然相對弱勢,仍具有過渡性價值與意義,促進了明清之際北方儒學發光發熱的基礎;第三章論述明清之際所形成極富特色的北方儒學傳統,北方儒學中,將孫夏峰、李二曲、顏習齋三位儒者呈現真誠以內而實踐於外的實學體系。故而在本章針對三位儒者的學行特色作縱貫性描述,從其師友往復、生活內容作同中求異之討論,從各層面上作一基礎認識;第四章在前章的基礎上,針對三人共同的理念與當時社會環境間交互影響,從經世的看法中尋繹三位學者的各自實務主張,如夏峰與時俱進的人生、二曲從個人體用之學出發與習齋務實而行的作為;在知識上的討論則從三人在孔孟學術的基礎上的主張、堅持所延伸出對於儒、釋、道三家看法異同,在廣度上作整合性的闡述、深度上則尋繹出三位北方大儒的論學力行的人生價值;第五章則就北方儒學於當時所代表意義與其實踐哲學發展作為探討內容。從其時代意義探討北方儒學在實踐與回顧中而就夏峰、二曲、習齋三人於學術上之篤行與行為上之努力作歷史定位之嘗試;第六章結論則是就前所論述之內容作一回顧,對於此研究結果的代表意義與未來繼續發展方向作說明,期許自我在已有的基礎之上做加深加廣的研究工作,畢竟所有的研究都有其限制性與不足之處,本論文是一個開始,未來在這個起點上應該有更多的觸角對於此一主題的關心與注意。


明清之際 北方 儒學 夏峰 二曲 習齋 調和朱陸 悔過自新 程朱 孔孟


The transitional period of the Ming and Qing dynasties (AC1584~1684) was a time of chaos and turmoil. At the time when most academics who typically only cared to talk about philosophy could only “show allegiance and loyalty to thy king by death”, The Confucian scholars from the Northern region however, practically adapted to the change in sovereignty and dedicated their life to the preservation and passing on of its traditions and integrity. This study will first make a comparison between the Confucianists from the Northern and Southern regions and demonstrate their movement throughout history, both through historic findings and academic respect, in order to understand the distinctive development of the Confucian School in each region. The second chapter will discuss the genesis of such distinctive development from the aspects of political formation, economical structure and academic personalities in the Ming Dynasty; and then will proceed to look at the development of the branch of Wang Yang-Ming, and its several different disciplines, and of their similarities and differences in their content and themes; as well as the results from such diversity. Wang’s branch of Confucian school located at the Northern region was definitely less prominent in their effort to promote their teaching, but it still played a significant intermediary role, by establishing a foundation for the progression and augmentation of the Northern Confucian school during the Ming-Qing transition. Chapter three will focus on the formation of the unique tradition of the Northern Confucianists during this period – the practice of “externalizing the inner truthfulness” by Sun Xia-Feng, Li Er-Qu and Yan Xi-Zhai; and further profiling the lives and specialties of these three influential Confucian scholars, and to understand them from several aspects at the basic level. From the basic understanding of the three Confucian scholars, the forth chapter will focus on their uniform ideology and its inter-influence with their thereat social circumstance; and look at their practical beliefs regarding the management and development of one’s nation. For instance, Sun Xia-Feng advocated that “life should shift with time and tide”; Li Er-Qu believed that one’s behaviour should be consistent to one’s clear mind; and Yan Xi-Zhai was in favor of “practical behaviors”. As for each of the three scholars’ knowledge of Confucian school, we will look at the three scholars’ opinions and adherence in regard to Confucius’s and Mencius’s theory, which extended to their integrated explication on the relationship between the school of Confucian, Buddhism, and Daoism, at the same time searching for the axiology of these three scholars from the Northern Confucian school. Chapter five will go further into the significance and influence of the practical philosophical development of the Northern Confucianists in its time. The writer will attempt to account the practicality of its teaching, as well as to assess the dedication and practice made by the three scholars to promote and develop their theory. The concluding chapter will make a revision on all the above chapters, and will further assess and explain the goal as well as future direction of this study. The writer strives to expand this research both in depth and scope. After all, each research has its limitation and exhaustion. This study is only a beginning, and hopefully in the future, there would be more attention and interests from various other angles and areas that start from here.


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