  • 學位論文


The Study of Key Success Factors (KSF) for Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE) Operation

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


隨著世界扁平化及資訊科技的發展,現代企業及個人獲得全球資訊的管道已經是十分方便。這樣的發展也加快了企業全球化的速度,如果忽視了這個發展趨勢,未能適時調整經營策略,很有可能會失去競爭力而被全球化的潮流給吞沒。面對這樣的趨勢,美國電腦大廠IBM從一家典型的多國籍企業(MNC)成功轉型為全球整合型企業(GIE),透過整合全球的資源讓企業組織朝最佳化發展,成功將IBM重新推上資訊服務業的霸主地位。 本研究透過搜尋企業全球化相關文獻及對目前計畫轉型為GIE的企業進行訪談,採用模糊層級分析法(FAHP)找出GIE的關鍵成功因素(KSF),AHP層級架構之第二層裡共有6項主要構面而第三層則有29項評估準則。研究結果顯示在主要構面中,「建立全球標準化的流程與技能」權重值最高,而評估準則中以相同構面下之「可複製於全球的標準技能、流程與技術」最高,因此『建立標準化且可複製於全球的技能、流程與技術』是「全球整合型企業營運的關鍵成功因素」。本研究期望此結果能成為企業及學術界對企業欲轉型為GIE時之策略參考,讓GIE的研究及發展更為完整。


With highly developed Information Technology (IT), the world is being flattened. Methods for obtaining information by Corporations and individuals are easier than ever. This forces enterprises to speed up the globalization transformation. Enterprises that neglect this trend and do not adjust their strategy will lose their global competition. Following this trend, IBM has remodeled its originations from the Multinational Corporation (MNC) to Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE) and regained its leading position in the IT service filed successfully. This research studied relevant articles and interviewed experts on defining the essential elements of the GIE. We use the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to find the Key Success Factors (KSF) of GIE operation. We also build 6 main factors in the 2nd layer and 29 factors in 3rd layer of the Hierarchy. Base on the analysis result, “Building global skills, processes and technology” receives the highest weight in the 2nd layer and under the same main factor “Globally repeatable skills, processes and technology” is the topmost one in the 3rd layer; therefore, “Build Globally repeatable standard skills, processes and technology” is the KSF of GIE operation. We anticipate this research can be a reference for those enterprises that plans transform to a GIE.


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