  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Tutor's Personality, Tutorial System and Class Cohesion – A Case of National Taipei University of Technology

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在探討國立臺北科技大學導師人格特質類型對學生班級凝聚力的影響、導師人格特質類型與導師現行採用之導師制度的差異情形與導師人格特質與導師制度期望對班級凝聚力的預測情形,期能作為學校選用導師制度參考之用。根據研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查方式,首先透過文獻探討並建立研究架構,據以發展「多元導師制度實施成效及改善問卷」、「班級凝聚力量表」及「人格特質知覺量表」,針對國立臺北科技大學大學日間部導師126位、學生1,180位進行問卷施測;導師部分共發出126份問卷,有效回收108份問卷,回收率86%;學生部分共發出1,180份問卷,有效回收875份問卷,回收率75%。本研究以描述性統計、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗及多元迴歸分析等進行資料統計及分析,並獲得以下結論: 一、國立臺北科技大學現行採用導師制度以班級導師制最多。 二、國立臺北科技大學學生於班級凝聚力得分上,於構面「班上是否會吸引他人加入」達中高程度的表現,而構面「班上同學留在此班級的意願」則只達到中等程度之表現。 三、導師制度期望模式中功能導師制-導師輔導選課為導師最期望採用之導師制度。 四、導師人格特質以親和性為主其班級凝聚力較高。 五、人格特質類型以親和性為主的導師,採用班級導師制來輔導學生的比例最多、人格特質類型以外向為主的導師,採用家族導師制、師徒導師制以及混合導師制來輔導學生的比例較多 六、導師人格特質類型及導師制度期望能有效預測學生班級凝聚力。 並根據結論提出以下建議: 一、持續加強多元導師制度的推廣。 二、因應導師人格特質,提供多元導師制度模式。 三、採用多元導師制宜考量導師壓力負荷。 四、檢視自己特質,發揮導師功能,以提高班級凝聚力。


This study aimed to explore the effect between the teacher’s personality traits and the student’s class cohesion, the difference between the teacher’s personality traits and the tutorial system, and the prediction between the teacher’s personality traits and the class cohesion. We expected that the results could be as references for schools to recruit their homeroom teachers.This study was conducted by using the method of survey. First of all, reviewing the relevant literature, we established the structure of the study and developed the questionnaire measurements of multi-tutorial system, class cohesion, and personality traits. In total, 126 questionnaires were delivered to teachers and 1180 questionnaires to students at NTUT; however, only 108 and 875 questionnaires were received respectively. The questionnaire retrieval rate of teachers and students were 86% and 75% respectively.The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-sample t test, independent sample t test, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the linear regression analysis. Six results were addressed as follows: 1.Most of tutorial systems at NTNU were class tutorial systems. 2.The students scored medium high in class cohesion at NTNU. 3.The functional tutorial system scored best. 4.The better teacher’s personality traits, the higher class cohesion. 5.The teachers with different personal traits currently led to different tutorial systems. 6.The types of the teacher’s personality traits could effectively predict students’ class cohesion. Based on the results above, research had four suggestions as following: 1.The university needs to provide multi-tutorial systems continually. 2.According to the personality traits of teachers, the school needs to provide multi-tutorial systems. 3.The university needs to consider the teacher’s pressure before adopting multi-tutorial systems. 4.Teachers need to examine their traits in order to promote the class cohesion.




