  • 學位論文


Application of Taguchi Method of Optimization the Quality of Projection Nut Welding

指導教授 : 吳國棟


利用材料本體凸點讓集中電流的特性使鋼板與凸點快速溶合的方法,常隨凸點幾合形狀的不同在焊接品質(如焊接強度或扭力的承受能力)上有相當大的差異化。為了要探討浮凸焊點幾合形狀對焊接品質的影響,本次的研究方式採用具有4點浮凸的M8焊接螺帽與1.0 t mm的高張力鋼板做為相互對手件進行探討研究,影響凸點焊接結果的因子選擇了A:焊接加壓力、B:焊接電流時間、C:焊接電流、D:初期加壓時間,4個影響因子,分析的方法採用田口方法,選擇田口方法中的直交表L8(27)及S/N比的模式尋求浮凸螺帽焊接的最佳設定值(A2B2C1D2),經由變異數分析評估實驗誤差值及確認出重要因子,藉由信賴區間確認預測值及實驗的計算值是否重疊以認定實驗結果是否兩者夠接近,確認田口方法是可以應用於提升浮凸焊接的品質。


Projection welding resistance welding is a method often used in the automotive industry on floating bump bonding is a current focus on the characteristics of the use bump to bump plate and rapid fusion method, often combined with the shape of a few bumps In the welding of different quality (such as welding strength or torque of the bearing capacity) have significant differences. In order to explore a few embossed solder joint quality of the shape of the weld, this research approach used with the M8 embossed 4 point welding nut with 1.0 t mm between the high-tension steel plate as a rival to explore parts of affected welding conditions selected A: pressure, B: welding current time, C: welding current, D: squeez pressure time four influencing factors, the analysis method by using Taguchi method,select Taguchi method of orthogonal array L8(27) and S/N ratio for the embossed pattern of the best nut welding settings (A2B2C1D2), re-assessment by analysis of variance, experimental error and identify important factors, identified by CI calculation predicted and experimental values to identify whether the overlap between the two results are close enough to prove that the Taguchi method can be applied to improve the quality of welding instead.


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