  • 學位論文


The Strategy Analysis of Own Brand Female Apparel Business in Online Store

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


台灣的網路購物市場規模隨著網路的普及而年年成長。根據資策會對於2011年線上購物市場的規模,資策會則預估達到新台幣4,300億元的規模,由此可見,台灣網路購物市場的規模每年都以超過20%的比例大幅成長。 本研究以質性分析中的個案研究法,在女裝網路自創品牌中找出在銷售額、產品設計和品牌知名度高的三個品牌-東京著衣、J Daheck和天母嚴選做為個案研究的對象,所研究的問題為:(一)這三家的經營策略為何?有何異同之處?網路服飾店的利基在那裏?他們如何擴展商機?(二)這三家的行銷策略和行銷傳播策略為何?有何異同之處?(三)這三家所採取的經營策略關鍵的成功因素為何? 本研究的研究結論顯示: 一、根據三家業者的行銷策略和產品使用對象,女裝網購市場在產品週期上屬成熟市場。 二、在產品-市場的矩陣中,三家業者均採取市場滲透策略、低成本差異化策略、產品發展策略、全球化策略,但是在新市場-新產品矩陣中,只有J Daheck採用非相關多角化策略,其餘二家都是相關多角化策略。 三、當策略的選用與競爭者無太大差異時,行銷費用的支出和成本的降低將是提升市佔率和獲利的關鍵因素。 最後,本研究對於未來想從事女裝網路購物業者提出實務建議。 關鍵字:電子商務、網路行銷、自有品牌、經營策略


Thanks to the popularity of Internet in Taiwan, the scale of on-line shopping market grows annually. By estimate, the market scale has reached 430 billion NT dollars in 2011. The on-line shopping market in Taiwan grows largely by over 20% every year. This research adopts a case study method and chooses three internet own brands in female rag trade as the research subjects , Tokyo Clothes, J Daheck, and Tian-Mu Choices, based on their high sales, ingenious product design, and high brand awareness. The research questions are: 1. What are the three e-tailing brands’ business strategies? Is there something common or different? What’s the niche of the internet rag trade? How do they explore the commercial potential? 2. What are their marketing strategies and marketing communication strategies? Is there something common or different? 3. Among their business strategies, what are the key success factors? The research results are listed as below: 1. In view of their marketing strategies and the users of their products, the on-line shopping in female rag trade is a mature market. 2. In the matrix of product - market, all the three companies adopted market penetration, differentiation with low cost, product development, and globalization as their strategies. However, in the matrix of new market - new product, only J Daheck took unrelated diversification as its strategy, while the others took related diversification strategies. 3. When there is no significant difference between the choice of a company’s strategy and that of its opposite, the increase in marketing expenses and the decrease in cost are the key factors to extend the market share and profits. Last, this research provided the companies who intend to go into on-line shopping in rag trade with some practical suggestions. Keywords: Electronic commerce, Internet marketing, Own brand, Business strategies


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