  • 學位論文


A Study of Governance Structure to Key Components of Taiwan TFT-LCD

指導教授 : 李國瑜


TFT-LCD產業為台灣兩兆雙星計畫之一,也是繼半導體產業後最受注目的新興產業。為了能夠與國外對手(日、韓)齊頭競爭,掌握關鍵零組件無疑是經營策略中最重要的一塊。TFT-LCD關鍵零組件多為Design-in產品,在TFT-LCD設計之初就需配合廠商需求及規格,再加上關鍵零組件之不可缺性與昂貴性,所以台灣TFT-LCD面板廠商為了降低生產成本與鞏固競爭優勢,無不積極加強其與關鍵零組件的關係,更積極者,進而加強垂直整合之能力,自行生產關鍵零組件。但是,由次級資料中,從零組件角度,吾人可以發現同樣的廠商對於不同關鍵零組件採取的整合策略並不一樣;而從廠商角度而言,不同廠商對同樣的零組件採取的整合策略亦不一致。故本研究,試圖歸納整理台灣TFT-LCD廠商目前對關鍵零組件之統治結構並發掘影響廠商採取何種統治結構的因素。 本研究採用個案研究法,選擇台灣五大TFT-LCD面板廠商(友達、奇美、華映、彩晶、廣輝),以探究高科技產業廠商對關鍵零組件之統制結構與垂直整合策略,經由暨有文獻的歸納和個案發現的推演後,得出以下命題: 1. 零組件特性,會影響「面板廠商」對「關鍵零組件供應商」的統治結構。 2. 供應商特性,會影響「面板廠商」對「關鍵零組件供應商」的統治結構。 3. 供應商之區位專屬性投資,會影響「面板廠商」對「關鍵零組件供應商」的統治結構。 4. 廠商特質,會影響「面板廠商」對「關鍵零組件供應商」的統治結構。 5. 環境不確定性的確會影響廠商對關鍵零組件之統治結構,但會受到本研究其他變數所影響。 本研究將廠商對關鍵零組件之統治結構分為「層級統治結構」、「權益式網絡結構」、「契約式網絡結構」與「市場統治結構」等四種統治結構,在「層級統治結構」中,廠商對關鍵零組件之控制權最高;而在「市場統治結構」中,廠商對關鍵零組件統治權最低。本研究並認為影響廠商對關鍵零組件之統治結構主要因素為「零組件特性」與「廠商特質」兩項因素。 本研究結論認為廠商對「彩色濾光片」與「背光模組」兩項關鍵零組件傾向採取高控制權的層級統治結構與完全垂直整合策略;相對的,「偏光板」及「玻璃基板」兩項關鍵零組件則因為供應商本身談判力過大及資金、技術障礙太高,面板廠商則傾向採取低控制權的契約式統治結構。


The TFT-LCD industry is the newly arisen one after semi-conductor industry in Taiwan. In order to keep pace with abroad opponents (Japan and Korea), holding the key components is the most important strategy doubtless. Most TFT-LCD key components have “design-in” characters, so key components must match with the manufacturer’s needs and standards in the beginning of TFT- LCD design. Besides, for key components’ essential and expensive, TFT-LCD manufacturer in Taiwan is enhancing actively the relation with the key components to reduce the production cost and make the stronger competitive advantage. More actively, they enhance their ability of the vertical integration to produce the key components by themselves. This study is proceeded with the approach of case study, and chooses AUO, CMO, CPT, Quanta and Hannstar as the case targets. This study tries to induce the TFT-LCD manufacturer’s governance structure to the key components in Taiwan and discover the influential factors of the governance structure. According to the relevant literature and case studies, we summarized the conclusions as flows: 1. “Components Attributes” will affect the TFT-LCD manufacturer’s governance structure to the key components in Taiwan. 2. “Suppliers Characteristic” will affect the TFT-LCD manufacturer’s governance structure to the key components in Taiwan. 3. “The Site Specificity of Supplier” will affect the TFT-LCD manufacturer’s governance structure to the key components in Taiwan. 4. “Firms Characteristic” will affect the TFT-LCD manufacturer’s governance structure to the key components in Taiwan. 5. “Environment Uncertainty” will affect the TFT-LCD manufacturer’s governance structure to the key components in Taiwan, but would be under the influence of this studying other variables. This research concludes the manufacturers to" CF" and" BL" two key components prefer to adopt the high control type of the governance structure and full integration strategy. Opposite, the manufacturers to " PL" and" Glass" two key components prefer to adopt the low control type of the governance structure.


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