  • 學位論文


Special Education Teachers’ Implementaion and Consideration of Inclusive Education at Self-Contained Classes in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在探討國小集中式特教班教師實施融合教育的現況及考量因素。採問卷調查法,以分層叢集隨機取樣方式抽取全臺灣國小集中式特教班教師為研究對象,共發出334份,回收281份,有效問卷281份,有效回收率為83.1%。本研究以自編之「國小集中式特教班融合教育現況及教師考量因素調查問卷」為研究工具,所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等進行統計分析。茲將研究結果歸納如下: 融合教育現況方面,七成集中式特教班學生具參與普通班課程機會,八成特教班參與普通班課程人數多在4人以下。參與的學生多數為智能障礙、高年級、男生,且多數學生每星期參與普通班課程的節數僅1~2節,科目多數為藝文、健康與體育,學生也均需要同儕協助或獨立參與普通班課程。特教班教師安排學生參與各處室活動,最多為運動會,且大部分特教班教師會選擇讓學生部分參與活動。特教班教師主辦融合教育相關活動,最多為節慶感恩活動。八成以上教師認為特教班學生參與融合教育的機會為「尚可」或「足夠」;八成以上教師認為特教班學生參與融合教育的成效為「尚可」或「好」。 考量因素方面,六個向度平均得分,依序為「普通班因素」、「行政支持」、「態度與信念」、「特教學生」、「特殊學生家長」、「工作負荷」。教師最認同會影響實施融合教育的題項,「工作負荷」因素為「特教評鑑準備工作繁重」,「態度與信念」因素為「融合教育能提升普通班學生多元接納的態度」,「特殊學生家長」因素為「特教班學生家長提出融合教育的需求」,「特教學生」因素為「特教班學生的障礙程度太重」,「行政支持」因素為「行政人員配合與支持」,「普通班因素」為「普通班教師的接納與支持」。 不同性別、特教年資、職務、任教地區之教師在整體考量因素及個別考量因素上,無顯著差異。不同年齡教師在「態度與信念」及「行政支持」達顯著差異。不同學校規模教師在「態度與信念」、「特教學生家長」、「普通班因素」及「整體考量因素」達顯著差異。不同特教規模教師在「特殊學生」及「普通班因素」達顯著差異。 最後依據上述研究結果提出建議,以提供相關教育行政單位與未來研究參考。


融合教育 特教班


The purpose of this study was to investigate special education teachers’ implementaion and consideration of inclusive education at self-contained classes in elementary schools. A survey research was conducted in this study. Subjects were special education teachers who works in self-contained classes at elementary schools in Taiwan. A total of 334 surveys were mailed out, and 281 completed surveys were returned. Recovery of 83.1%.A self-developed questionnaire, “special education teachers’ implementaion and consideration of inclusive education at self-contained classes in elementary schools.” was used to collect data. The data was statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs). The major conclusions were as follows: Special education teachers’ implementation,71.7% of the self-contained special student have opptunities to participate in regular class curriculum, the number of the self-contained special student participating in regular class curriculum is below 4 people. The contained special student participating in regular class curriculum are mostly intellectual and developmental disabilities, high grade, males. These students participating in regular class curriculum only cost mostly 1 to 2 lessons in a week. The subjects are mostly art, health and physical education. Most student participate in regular class by theirself or the assist from peer.Self-contained special student participating in activity of each office are mostly sports meets.Most teachers choose to let the students participate in activities section.The most inclusive activities designed by special education teachers are thanks giving festivals. Over 80% of teachers thinks “passable”or “good enough”,no matter how the opportunities or results are. The average score of the six dimensions, the order of the following are:“ general classes of factors”,” administrative support”,” attitudes and beliefs”,” special education students”,” special students' parents”,” the workload”. Questions of individual dimension of each question according to most teachers agree, the order of the following are: ” the workload” is”special education evaluation arduous preparations”, ” attitudes and beliefs” is” inclusive education can improve the general attitude of acceptance of diverse classes of students”, ” special students' parents” is”parents of special education students in inclusive education needs”, ” special education students” is “special education students too heavy degree of disorder”; ” administrative support” is “cooperation and support administrative staff”,“ general classes of factors”is “regular class teachers to accept and support”. No significant differences in the overall and individual considerations in different sexual. seniority .various positions.teach area of teachers. Teachers in different age "attitudes and beliefs" and ” administrative support” in significant differences.Different size of the school teachers' attitudes and beliefs, “special education parents ”, “ regular classes factors ”and“ overall considerations”reached significant differences. Different size of special education teachers in “ special student” and “ regular classes factors ”reached significant differences. Finally, according to the above results, several suggestions were offered for the education administrators and researchers.


梁黃真理(2005)。智能障礙學生社會性溝通能力的培養及實務經驗: 以融合式學校教學為例。身心障礙研究,3(2),113-121。
