  • 學位論文


The Influences of College Sports Team Participation Experience on the Participants’ Post-Graduate Exercise Behavior

指導教授 : 朱文增


本研究欲探討就讀大專時曾參與運動團隊者,其畢業後的運動情況,並探討不同個人背景變項、社會心理因素、運動環境因素的研究對象之運動行為是否有差異,以瞭解影響這群人現階段從事運動行為的重要因素。研究對象為就讀大專時,曾參與運動團隊 (包括校隊、系隊、社團) 為期1年以上者。本研究採用網路問卷,共回收404份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,受訪者最近六個月中最常從事的運動項目為慢跑、仰臥起坐、散步、重量訓練、伏地挺身、籃球、騎自行車等。運動頻率以每週2~3次最多。每次運動以31~60分鐘者最多。較常前往的運動地點為學校場地和自家中。運動同伴以朋友為主,亦有不少人是獨自前往。整體而言,大專時期參與運動團隊的經驗對畢業後的運動行為具正面助益,因此建議政府在推行全民運動時應向下扎根,使國民在學生時期即培養運動能力和習慣。


The main purpose of this research was to investigate the current exercise behavior and influential factors of the college sports teams’ participants after they graduated, and to explore the relationships among demographic characteristics and exercise behavior. The results of this research were summarized as follows: The main types of exercise were jogging, sit-ups, walking, weight training, push-ups, and basketball playing. The frequency of exercise were 2~3 times a week, the length of exercise were 31~60 minutes, the place of exercise were schools and their own homes, and the main partner of exercise were their friends. Based on the results of this research, participants’ post-graduate exercise behavior benefited positively by their sports team participation experience. Finally, this research provided some suggestions for government, the relative units and further study.


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