  • 學位論文


The relation between perceptual field phenomenon and creativity on design early stage

指導教授 : 劉育東


本研究就設計思考的角度探討知覺場的現象對設計者構想早期階段的影響,九十年代以來的學者,多提出以草圖的推論,設計者的 反思來探究設計者的創造力因子,特別是以知識論的觀點區別生手與熟手在創造力的差異,而近年來,有多位學者,為創造力的因子-浮現,提出更廣泛的定義,並以知覺的角度,來探討對創造力的影響。就知覺因子的觀點來看,完形心理學所提出的知覺場,是解釋人類視覺思考的重要理論,其中,對視空間特徵的貫注以及對含混不明圖形的辨識及檢測對於未預期的發現都有相當重要的影響力,其與知覺場中的追求平衡如力場的互動反饋關係都有相關性。因此,本研究探究於人類知覺場的因素,影響設計者早期構想過程的浮現現象,特別是察覺力與譬喻。 由四個具有不同領域專業背景,並具備一定知識條件的受測者,進行以公共藝術為題的快速設計的認知實驗,以影音回溯及口語分析法為基本的研究方法。進行兩階段的認知分析。第一階段,以Guildford的四個創造力因子分析篩選出較具創造力的受測者,並以其受測資料,進行第二階段的知覺場認知因子與創造力相關及連動的分析。其結果可以看出: 一、受測者在草圖構想過程中,知覺場的某些要素影響了構想要素的產生,而這些草圖透過分析後,也能對應創造力的條件,因此發現知覺場的要素的確與創造力有關;其次,符號與譬喻與每個設計者的知覺場有關,符號與譬喻為設計者長期記憶的一部份,為設計者透過該元件代表對某一事物以符號化或者口語化的暗示或者表徵,因此透過符號與譬喻可以對應不同的設計者認知,對於建構電腦輔助系統的深入研究有非常大的幫助。


設計思考 創造力 知覺場


This study investigated the effect of perceptual field on designers in the early stage of design thinking. In the 1990s, scholars began inferring that the creativity factors of designers come from their reflection based on drafts and further distinguished the creativity differences between novice and expert designers with an knowledge-based view point. In recent years, scholars have re-defined emergence, a creativity factor, in a broader sense and investigated its effect on creativity in terms of cognition. From the viewpoint of cognitive factors, the perceptual field in gestalt psychology is the central theory for interpreting human visual thinking. Particularly, it is important to identify the attention to visuo-spatial features and ambiguous graphics and to detect unexpected discoveries, and to correlate them with the pursuit of balance in the perceptual field, such as the interactive feedback of force field. Therefore, this study investigated perceptual field factors affecting the emergence of designers in early conceptualization, particularly insight and metaphors. A 2-stage rapid design cognitive experiment on public art using video/audio retrospective protocol analysis was conducted on 4 respondents from different professional backgrounds and domains, each of whom had attained a certain level of knowledge. Respondents with greater creativity were selected using the 4 creativity factors proposed by Guildford at Stage 1. The correlations and interactions between perceptual field cognitive factors and creativity were analyzed based on the respondents’ data at Stage 2. Results show that: (1) perceptual field factors are correlated with creativity because when conceptualizing drafts, some perceptual field factors affect the outcome of conceptualization factors, and such drafts can correspond to the creativity factors after analysis; (2) symbols and metaphors are correlated with the designer’s perceptual field because they are part of the designer’s long-term memory and are components for designers to interpret a particular event, including symbolic or colloquial understatements or representations. Therefore, symbols and metaphors can correspond to different designer cognitions and are substantially beneficial to the in-depth study of computer-aided system construction.


Design Thinking Creativity Perceptual Field


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