  • 學位論文

以價值網觀點探討企業競爭優勢 以鰻魚產業為例

In view of the pricing network, exploring the advantages of a competitive industry using the eel market as an example

指導教授 : 許嘉文


台灣鰻魚主要外銷日本,不但替國家賺取大量外匯,也繁榮了漁村經濟、改善了漁民的生計。鰻魚產業最高峰曾在1991年產值達560,000,000美元,佔當時日本市場供應量的一半以上,因而贏得養鰻王國的美譽。 然而鰻魚產業在看似一片榮景之下,近年來卻面臨前所未有的挑戰-中國。隨著中國逐漸對外開放,經濟發展日益國際化,對於鰻魚養殖方面逐步急起直追,在1996年已超越台灣鰻魚在日本市場的地位。 另外,世界自然保護聯盟(IUCN)2014年6月宣佈,確定將鰻魚列入介紹瀕危物種的紅皮書。雖不會直接導致鰻魚買賣與食用的禁止,但今後鰻魚的國際貿易等將有可能受到限制。所以,當前台灣鰻魚產業所面臨的問題已不局限於單一之生產技術層面,其問題涵蓋經濟、產業、貿易、環境及政策等層面。 於是本研究主要目的為利用價值網分析來探討台灣鰻魚產業,以突破傳統的競爭思維模式,重新調整改善產業鏈的定位、擬定策略規劃、集中規模經濟的效益、甚至聯合次要敵人來打擊主要敵人。 因此對於價值鏈活動研究出以下4項策略命題: 1、供應商命題:企業透過與供應商合作,以確保原物料的供應及品質。 2、顧客命題:企業透過產品差異化的策略制定,來增加顧客價值。 3、競爭者命題:企業透過產銷驗證的策略制定,進行市場區隔以及建構進入障礙。 4、互補者命題:企業透過供需整合的策略制定,以提升本身與互補者之間的利潤價值。


規模經濟 產業鏈 價值網


Taiwan’s export of eels to Japan, not only provides the country with substantial foreign exchange, but also benefits the fishing industry, and improving the living standards of fishermen. It’s peak came in 1991, with a total value of over USD 560 million dollars, which represented more than 50% of the market in Japan, thus earning the elite status of eel kingdom. Even though it looks like the eel industry is very abundant, in recent years, it has been facing a never-before-seen competition – China. As China opens up to foreigners, its economy has expanded internationally, which allow its eel cultivation market to grow rapidly, in 1996, it has overtaken Taiwan’s spot in Japan’s market. Also, in June 2014, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced that eels have been added to the seafood red list. Although it would not directly prevent the sales and consumption of eels, since then, the global market of eels might have been affected. Therefore, Taiwan’s eel industry is not only facing the problem of quality breeding issues, but also issues concerning economics, commerce, trade, environment and political issues. Thus the main object of this research is to use value networking to explore Taiwan’s eel industry, to breakthrough the traditional competitive thinking, to renew and improve the position of the industry chain, develop strategic planning, benefits of a centralized economic scale, and even joining forces with secondary competition to overthrow the primary competition. Thus, for the value chain method, there are four strategical proposals : 1.Proposal to Supplier : corporations should work with suppliers, to ensure the supply and quality of the raw materials. 2.Proposal to Client : corporations should use strategic development of product discrepancy, to increase customer value. 3.Proposal to Competitors : corporations should use strategic development of sales verification, to create different markets and establish entry barriers 4.Proposal to Complementary : corporations should use strategic development of the integration of supply and demand, to boost themselves and their complementaries’ profit values.




曾景麟(2016)。以價值網觀點探討紡織後段加工的競爭力 -以C公司為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614060968
