  • 學位論文


The Effects of TABATA Training on Physical Fitness for Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 吳柏翰


目的:探討TABATA運動對國中學生體適能之影響。方法:屏東縣某國中53名學生為研究對象,以班級為單位,分成實驗組(27人)與對照組(26人),對照組維持原來體育課正常教學,實驗組在每節體育課介入八分鐘的TABATA運動,每週三天,共八週。實驗內容以日本科學家田畑泉博士的TABATA間歇訓練為基本概念,並以開合跳、深蹲、仰臥起坐及波比跳為動作順序,且漸進式調整個人訓練強度。實驗前受試者填寫同意書及健康狀況調查表,並於實驗前後均參加體適能前測和後測,測驗項目包括:身體質量指數(身高、體重、BMI)、坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠、男生1600公尺女生800公尺跑走,以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析考驗兩組的同值性及實驗後兩組間的差異情形,統計顯著水準定為p< .05。結果:實驗組在肌爆發力、肌耐力、心肺適能上皆達顯著差異,尤其是肌爆發力及肌耐力部分;而在體重、BMI指數及柔軟度則未達顯著差異。結論:研究結果,TABATA運動可以有效提升國中學生體適能能力。


TABATA運動 HIIT 體適能 國中生


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of TABATA training on physical fitness of junior high school students. Methods: 53 junior high school students were divided into experiment group of 27 students and control group of 26 students.Control group kept the usual training methods on PE classes; on the contrary, in experiment group added eight minutes TABATA training on every PE class, for three days a week, totally eight weeks. TABATA training based on high intensity interval training designed by Japan scientist Dr. Lzumi Tabata and the training contents were orderly takesn by jumping jack, squat, sit-ups and burpee one by one. In addition, it is modified to a progressive training according to participants’ physical fitness. Before training, students filled a letter of authorization and a health condition form. Moreover, they took an examination of physical fitness including body mass index (height, weight and BMI index), sit and reach, a minute bent-knee sit-up, long jump, male 1600-meter run and female 800-meter run before and after this project. The results were analyzed by Independent-Sample analysis of covariance and significant level was set as p< .05. Result: The students in experiment group improve significantly in muscular strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance, especially in muscular strength and muscular endurance; however, there is no obvious improvement in weight, BMI index and flexibility. Conclusion: The consequence of this research reveals TABATA training can effectively enhance the physical fitness for junior high school students.


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