  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Students’ School Record of Postgraduate Programs in Management - A Case Study on a University in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊智育


為了使高等教育普及化以及因應國內少子化的問題,「回流教育」的施行成為台灣重要的教育策略方針之一。教育部的資料顯示,碩士在職進修專班學生的人數由1999年的5千7百多人到2010年的5萬7千多人,學生人數爆增為十倍,學費收入成為各公私立大專校院重要的收入來源。然而,碩專班學生的學習動機與課堂參與度普並不理想,學生的學習成效與程度也是令人質疑。因此,提升碩專班學生的學習成效以及了解影響因素,值得探討與研究。本文以台灣南部某私立大學管理碩士在職進修專班76位學生為研究的對象,藉由問卷的填答內容與統計分析來了解學生的「求學動機」、「學習參與度」以及「學習成效」之間的相互關係。本文發現:(一) 女學生的「學習參與度」顯著的高於男學生。(二)「求學動機」、「學習參與度」、「學習環境滿意度」與「學習成效」彼此呈現顯著的正相關。(三)「求學動機」對「學習參與度」具有正向顯著影響。(四)「學習參與度」對「學習成效」具有正向顯著影響。(五) 以「學習環境滿意度」來調節「求學動機」對「學習參與度」的影響以及「學習參與度」對「學習成效」的影響,兩者調節效果皆不顯著。


In order to reach universal type of Higher Education and face up to the problems of decreasing birth rate, “Recurrent Education” is one of the most important education policies in Taiwan. The data of Ministry of Education reveals that the numbers of student in Postgraduate Programs are about five thousand and seven hundred in 1999, and about fifty-seven thousand in 2010. The numbers of student increase tenfold in ten years and the charges for tuition become the importance income of each college. However, there are many students have lower learning motivation and participation rate in class, the school record therefor remains in doubt. Consequently, how to promote school record of the student is worthy of discussion. By way of the questionnaire to examine 76 students of Postgraduate Programs in Management of a college in southern part of Taiwan, this paper attempts to find out the relationship between “learning motivation”, “class participation rate”, “learning circumstances satisfaction” and “school record”. We find that: (1) The female has higher “class participation rate” than the male in evidence. (2) ”Learning motivation”, “class participation rate”, “learning circumstances satisfaction” and “school record” have positive correlation in each other. (3) “Learning motivation” has the positive effect to “class participation rate” in evidence. (4) “Class participation rate” has the positive effect to “school record” in evidence. (5) “Learning circumstances satisfaction” has no adjustment effects in neither “learning motivation” to “class participation rate” nor “class participation rate” to “school record”.


吳明烈(2007)。建立終身學習機構夥伴關係的策略聯盟作法研議。師大學報, 52(3),1-18。
