  • 學位論文


A Study on Streetscape Perception and Preference under Urban Design Review –Using The 7th Land Consideration District in Taichung City as An Example

指導教授 : 沈永堂


台中市自民國75年(1986年)開始將都市設計制度運用於城市規劃中,到目前為止已在台中市執行二十餘年,台中市新市政中心專用區是台中市第一個從規畫開始就執行都市設計的區域,隸屬七期重劃區內,本研究針對執行都市設計審議 (新市政中心專用區)與執行都市設計審查(七期重劃區)之區域,並將未執行都市設計審議的區域(五期重劃區)作為對照組,主要研究目的為探討不同法令(都市設計審議、都市設計審查、土地使用管制要點)所建構之街道景觀,民眾的知覺感受與偏好之差異,進而探討街道景觀設計要素與街道景觀知覺的相關性。 本研究受測者共384人,資料分析方法採用敘述統計、t檢定、變異數分析以及皮爾森相關性檢定,本研究發現台中市有執行都市設計審議的街道景觀所呈現之整體效果,讓民眾感受比未執行都市設計審議的街道景觀優,而都市設計審查與都市設計審議,其所建構出的都市街道景觀,給予民眾的感受沒有顯著的差異,有受過專業課程訓練與未受過專業課程訓練的受測者,對於不同法令所建構出的街道景觀知覺感受差異不大,主要在「複雜性」、「管理性」與「和諧性」的部分有顯著的差異。 綜合所有分析後建議,在都市設計的街道景觀設計要素上,應著重於廣告招牌設置位置與規格、變電箱美化設計、植栽間距及2米以上人行步道的設置。未來在街道景觀規劃上,若要提升街道景觀的秩序性,並讓民眾更加喜歡街道景觀且感覺到愉悅時,可加強廣告招牌設置位置以及其規格之規定;若要讓街道景觀使人感覺較為豐富多變且生動,則可針對植栽間距做規定,植栽若越密集,會使景觀更加豐富生動;強化變電箱美化設計,則可使街道景觀感到生動誘人,並提升街道景觀給人的安全感與和諧性。


It has been more than 20 years since Taichung City applied urban design to urban planning in 1986. Taichung New Civic Center Area is the first district to execute urban design from the beginning of planning in the 7th Land Consideration District . The consideration regional for the implement of urban design (new Civic Center Precinct) and the implement of urban design review (7th Land Consideration District), and the regional is not implementat of urban design (5th Land Consideration District) as a control group, the main Study was to investigate the different laws (the urban design review, urban design review, land use control points) to the established streetscape, public perceptions and preferences of the differences, then explore the streetscape design elements and streetscape perceived relevance. There were 384 viewers interviewed in this study, including 158 experts and 226 non-experts. Descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation were adopted to analyze data. From the result, it is known that people feel better about streets that have received the transformation of urban design deliberation than those haven’t. Besides, people feel little difference between the streets constructed under urban design censorship and urban design deliberation. Have received professional courses and without professional courses of the subjects, different laws to construct the streetscape of the feelings have little difference, mainly in the "complexity", "management" and"harmony" a significant part of differences. Combining all the analysis, it is suggested that for regulation of design elements on street views, emphasis should be put on the regulations of the followings: the specification of advertising signs and where they could be placed, the beautification of transformer box design, plant spacing, and the setting of sidewalks which are wider than 2 meters. The future landscape planning in the streets, set the location for advertising signs and regulate their specifications can improve the streetscape of the order ; plants pitch if more intensive, it will be more rich and vivid landscape, Landscaping design for the transformer box, can improve very vivid and attractive streetscape; To improve streetscape gives a sense of security and harmony, but also strengthen the transformer box landscaping design; to make people more like the streets Landscape and can also feel a sense of pleasure, then set the location for the advertising signs.




