  • 學位論文


A Study for the Relationship between Job Involvement and Cohesion for Public Psychiatric Hospital,s Employee

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉博士


行政院衛生署所屬精神科專科醫院由於健保成本的壓力,人事出缺不補,改列勞僱契約進用非編制內人員,造成同工不同酬的問題,此現象有逐年增加的趨勢,加上精神療養機構醫療人員,由於須面臨病人不易掌控的精神狀態,無形中影響醫院人員的士氣、工作投入、凝聚力及工作品質,故在照顧病患上面臨極大的壓力及考驗。 本研究以全省共5家精神科專科醫院員工為研究對象,採集群抽樣方法,從全省5家行政院衛生署所屬精神科專科醫院中抽樣,抽取2家療養院,且以全面普查方式進行樣本施測。旨在在瞭解精神科專科醫院員工工作投入與凝聚力之影響因素,並分析精神科專科醫院不同員工工作背景對工作投入與凝聚力之差異,及探討精神科專科醫院員工工作投入與凝聚力間之關係。綜合研究結果彙整如下: 精神科專科醫院不同員工個人背景變項對工作投入與員工年齡、婚姻、教育程度、職務、部門別、是否院聘員工具顯著差異。不同員工個人背景變項對凝聚力變數與員工年齡、婚姻、教育程度、專業別、是否院聘員工、工作年資具顯著差異。 精神科專科醫院員工工作投入與凝聚力之影響因素,在工作投入構面醫院員工工作投入較為不高,包括員工對(薪資、獎勵)合理性、制度與結構公平性,以及員工經常感受到工作負荷量在大量增加等感受。另,凝聚力構面醫院員工對醫院較缺乏凝聚力包括未感受到團隊被緊密連結的,團隊中衝突較不被妥善化解,其次是較不覺得以身為團隊一員為傲,以及未感受到目前團隊與同事關係比過去所屬的團隊更好,認為目前團隊能未能有效的方式去擬定團隊未來的工作方向與目標,而且對團隊缺乏歸屬感。 精神科專科醫院員工工作投入與凝聚力具有相關,醫院若能加強團隊工作品質、團隊吸引力、團隊目標一致、個人角色價值,將有助於提升員工對醫院之工作使命感、工作成就感、報酬滿足程度。另,醫院若團隊目標愈不一致,將使員工無所適從,導致員工工作壓力增加。


Due to the pressure of the cost, the public psychiatric hospitals of the Department of Healthy, Executive Yuan, had accept no more official job, and many non-organizational staff were adopted. It made a large problem; the employee get different payment in the same job and this problem gets worse in recent years. Besides, the staffs of psychiatric centers have a lot of stress and racket due to they should face with the uncontrollable mental states of the psychotic patients. Insidiously, the employee’s morale, job involvement, cohesion and quality of the job become worse; they had lots of pressure and challenge in work. In the study, we chose the employee in 5 psychiatric hospitals; we use the cluster sampling, sampling 2 from the 5 public psychiatric hospitals and use complete census. We try to exposure the interference factors of the employee’s job involvement and cohesion in psychiatric hospitals, and to analysis the difference of the employee’s work background in job involvement and cohesion. And we try to exposure the relationship of the employee’s job involvement and cohesion in psychiatric hospitals. The result shows, the employee’s work background variable have obvious difference with the employee’s age, marital status, education, job, department and official or not. Different employee’s personal background variable have obvious difference with the employee’s age, marital status, education, profession, official or not and seniority. The interference factors of the employee’s job involvement and cohesion in psychiatric hospitals, the employee’s job involvement are lower, including the feeling of the responsibility (payment, bonus), the fair of the system and construction and the employee’s feeling of the work loading always increased. Besides, in the aspect of the cohesion, employee’s had decreased cohesion of the hospitals including the did not feel the team connected tightly, the conflict in the group can not be reconciled well, and do not feel proud as one of the group, the do not feel the interactions among the group are better than the prior, the group can no use the effective ways to make the direction and goal, and lack the group identification. The cohesions has highly correlative with job involvement, if the hospital can enhance the quality of team work, the consistence of team goal, the value of individual, that will increased the responsibility and sense of achievement of the work, and the complacence of payment. If the achievements of the hospital become more at variance, the employee will become more indecisive and perplexed, then the employee suffer more stressor.


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