  • 期刊


Evaluation of Ankle Proprioception among Athletes of Archery and Judo Sports


本體感覺的機轉在靜態與動態肌肉的關節穩定上,扮演一個重要的角色。本研究的目的在探討射箭選手、柔道選手經由平時的訓練後,是否會影響他們踝關節的本體感覺,並與一般控制組做比較。參與本實驗的18名受試者分別為射箭專項、柔道專項與一般規律生活的大學生。我們以兩種測試方法來評估踝關節的本體感覺(主動關節復位測試與被動關節復位測試)。。主動與被動關節位置的測量是利用Biodex Ssystem3等速測力器。結果以單因子變異數分析,分析三組受試者主動關節復位測試的平均絕對誤差;同樣再以單因子變異數分析,分析三組受試者被動關節復位測試的平均絕誤差。結果顯示,柔道選手因為長期的動態柔道訓練,使得踝關節在主重復位測試中表現的較好,而射箭選手因為長期的靜態訓練,在文動復位測試中表現的較其他二組好。


本體感覺 運動員 射箭 柔道


Proprioceptive mechanisms appear to play a role in stabilizing the joints and may serve as a means for the interplay between static stabilizers and dynamic muscular restraints. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether different sports training has any effect on proprioception in an ankle. A total 18 subjects were recruited from the sports of archery, judo and regular college students to participate in the study. The proprioception ability of the ankle using two different tests (an active angle-reproduction test, and a passive angle-reproduction test). The sense of position of a joint was actively and passively measured using a Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer. The results showed that there were significant differences between the judo athletes and the archery athletes on mean absolute position error while performing a passive angle-reproduction test. It was con concluded that judo athletes have better balance performance in active motion because of their dynamic training in judo. Archery athletes have better stable performance in passive motion because of the long periods of archery static stance training.


proprioception athletes archery judo


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