  • 期刊


An Investigation on Visual Status and Analyses of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related to Vision among the Seventh Graders in Taipei City


一項以全台北市國中一年級新生為對象的視力調查計畫,自民國七十五年十一月開始實施,迄次年三月底完成。共收得39所學校計1620人之資料。此等樣本的選取係採用系統集束抽樣方法,自台北市全部國中一年級學生抽出40個班級。透過教育行政單位的協助,各校均能按排定日程密切配合,使得完成率達到99.14%。 本研究利用研究小組自行設計並經專家效度處理修正後之問卷為調查工具,另以史奈崙氏E字箱形視力表為檢查視力之工具。由受過訓練的調查員分組前往各校,按統一標準和步驟收集相關資料。 在受試學生中,視力不良所佔的比率達62.78%。其分佈以女性、家庭社經層次高、家庭子女數少、智力百分等級高之學生,罹患視力不良的比率較高。平均而言,每100位視力不良的學生中,有10人自覺視力是正常的;有45人沒有接受矯治;而曾接受矯治且達到正常視力標準的僅有18人。 發現視力不良却未能接受矯治的原因,以父母沒有時間和學生自己功課忙不能抽出時間為主要因素。視力不良的學生雖比視力正常學生在知識測驗上得分高,然而行為得分方面,兩組學生雖有差異但均呈偏低的現象。由於知識和態度二變項均未與行為變項達顯著相關水凖,欲幫助視力不良學生接受矯治或鼓勵一般學生力行視力保健行為,宜從著重「促成行為」的各項措施著手,即(1)學校視力檢查標準化;(2)視力矯治服務方便化;(3)教育介入活動行為化和(4)學習環境改善全面化。




A study of the visual status of students in the 7th grade in Taipei City began in November 1986. Data on 1,620 students from 39 schools were collected in March 1987. 40 classes were selected as samples through the procedures of systematic cluster sampling. With the assistance of the Education Department, the investigation went on schedule to all schools with a completion rate of 96.14%. A self-developed questionnarie verified by professionals and Snellen's Vision Chart installed in a lighted box were applied as the research instruments. Related data were then collected by trained investigators following the same criteria and steps. The rate of visual defects in the subjects is 62.78%. Students who are female, classified as high in SES, born in families with fewer siblings, and ranked high in IQ percentile show higher rates of visual defects than other students. Among students with defective vision, 10.05% of them perceived themselves as haying normal vision; 45.14% never have their defects corrected; only 18.49% have their defects corrected to normal. Being busy is the main reason given by parents and children for not having corrected the visual defects. Students with defective vision receive higher scores in knowledge test than students with normal vision. However, both groups receive low scores in behavioral evaluation though the difference is small. As ”knowledge” and ”attitude” variables are not significantly related to the variable ”behavior”, it is suggested that future efforts be focussed on the following activities which are behavior promotion oriented to improve the visual health of school children in general and to encourage the correction of any defects: (1) conducting standardized visual tests; (2) providing convenient visual correction services; (3) implementing behavior intervention; and (4) improving the overall environment of study.


Vision Knowledge Attitudes Practice


