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The Impossible Proximity to the Other -A Study of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel through the Lens of Jean-Paul Sartre's Phenomenology in His Early Period




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Through the lens of Jean-Paul Sartre's phenomenology in his early period, this paper seeks to argue that the Christian norm "to love thy neighbour (as thy self)", which are mostly derived from the parable of the good Samaritan in the Gospel, is such a conduct aiming at the accomplishment of intersubjective communion but just could not be done, for "the Other" is ontologically actually impossible for me as a subject to reach. Shown by the Samaritan's feat out of charity, it seems that the Other, in his or her confrontation as well as coexistence with a subject, is usually tended to be just fixed in a kind of objective state as being looking at and then possessed; it could be said that there is an essentially insoluble asymmetry in the duality of subject-object relationship. Therefore, it seems as if an existing being could never reach the very intersubjective communion unless he or she is free from the influence of subjectivity and then is able to be, as Emmanuel Levinas argues, face to face with the Other, which might render this being beyond the essentially universal solitude in the form of light.


the Other neighbour subject object looking
