  • 期刊

物理治療師長期照護Level Ⅱ人員培訓規劃與進度

Continue Education Program for Physical Therapist in Long Term Care


因應刻在規劃之「長期照護保險法」以及「長期照護服務法」之所需,中華民國物理治療學會承接行政院衛生署民國99年以及100年推動之物理治療師長期照護level Ⅱ人員培訓計畫。本文說明人員培訓課程內容、執行情形與成果。本案培訓內容為針對level Ⅱ專業課程的物理治療專業課程,總計32小時的課程規劃,強調物理治療專業於長期照護職場之照護能力。目前已完成北區384人,其中347人具執照,並預計於100年7月底以前完成中區約300人、南區約150人之培訓。未來規劃繼續分區舉辦相關課程以培育新畢業之物理治療師及物理治療師完訓較為缺乏之區域。


In response to rapid population aging in Taiwan, the government has been planning the ”Long-Term Care Insurance Law” and the ”Long-Term Care Services Act.” In line with the Department of Health long-term care professionals training plan, three levels of training are required for all long term care related professionals. This article addresses the level Ⅱ training for physical therapists. This 32 hours of curriculum plan emphasizes the ability to care for the long term care clients in the workplace by the physical therapists.Objective of this project intends to complete the long-term care physical therapy professional curriculum training for the year of 2010. A total of 347 physical therapists completed the 32 hours continue education training program. Continue education training for long term care physical therapists be continued in the future.
