  • 學位論文


The Research of China’s Foreign Strategy From The Establishment of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization

指導教授 : 蕭全政


摘要 「上海合作組織」是由中共所主導的多邊、多元合作的區域型組織;其前身為1996年成立的「上海五國」會議。本研究以組織與制度的政治經濟理論作為分析架構,從歷史、組織與制度三層次,分析「上海五國」會議及「上海合作組織」的成立、運作與變遷中所展現的政經意義;同時,也檢視該組織與制度的發展,是否呼應或配合中共的對外戰略。 研究顯示,「上海合作組織」在地緣政治、經濟、能源、安全等面向上,具有相當重要的地位;該組織相關制度的設置、運作,及合作議題、項目、內容的調整,與中共不同時期的對外戰略需求相互呼應而且密切契合。依據該組織的發展歷程,及其從軍事、安全的合作,轉而增加經貿、能源、交通、文化等合作的情形看,中共似會深化該組織在前述議題與各會員國的合作,同時廣為吸納其他國家的加入,或加強與其他國際及區域組織之間的聯繫與合作,以符合其「反霸」的作為,達成區域「稱霸」的目的,進而遂行與美、歐等強權「爭霸」的企圖。


Abstract Organization and system can be used to connect the network relationship for the doers at various levels, which both imply the way and result that will affect the acquisition and utilization of resources of the doers. That is to say, they both imply the specific stake mode related to the political and economic characteristics of each doer, this mode can be abbreviated as the Bias. The Bias of a good or more feasible organization and system shall be able to match up with the internal and external political and economic power system as well as the rationalized direction of politics and economy, otherwise the relevant politics and economy shall be adjusted. (Shiau, Chyuan-Jeng, Mar. 1997, The National Chi Nan University Journal) This study focuses on “The Shanghai Cooperation Organization” (SCO), a permanent intergovernmental international and the first multi-lateral cooperation organization. Named after “Shanghai”city. The SCO was proclaimed in Shanghai in the early twentieth century consisting mainly of six countries-People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Uzbekistan. It was established on the basis of the "Shanghai Five" mechanism. Except for Uzbekistan, the other countries had been members of the Shanghai Five; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organization. Its member states cover an area of over 30 million km2, or about three fifths of Eurasia, with a population of 1.455 billion, about a quarter of the world's total. The SCO accepted Mongolia, India, Pakistan and Iran as observers. From Shanghai Five to the establishment of the SCO, the implied political and economic characteristics, the “Bias Mobilization”, has associated with the China diplomacy to some degrees. The People’s Republic of China, established in 1949, ranging from Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin, has proposed 'Three World' Theory”, “Reformation and Opening-up”, “Peace and Development” and “Multi-faceted Diplomacy”. Besides, under the national development strategy of “Rise in Peace”, Mainland China has shaped the “Peace, Cooperation, and Development” foreign strategy. This transition reveals Mainland China made “Mobilization of bias” with regard to its change of situation in different periods. Mainland China is aggressively participating and joining the operation of international or regional organizations, and leading to establish different kinds of regional cooperative organization. The said organization shall be one of tools for Mainland China to object the hegemony, regional despot, break out the encirclement of the United States and European countries, and challenge the unilateralism of the United States as well as contend the hegemony with the United States. Whether the foreign strategy of Mainland China is effective or not, especially the strategic objective of “Stabilizing the Northeast, Progressing to the Southwest”, will depend on whether the operation of this organization is successful or not, which is one of the evaluation indexes. The framework of this study is based on three parts: the historical level, organizational level, systematic level. Under this framework, we try to analyze the establishment, operation, change process of the SCO and "Shanghai Five"; meanwhile, this study also examines whether the “Mobilization of bias” of the SCO is in correspondence to the Mainland China foreign strategy. Studies show that the SCO has an important position in geo-economics, energy and security, of which the establishment, operation, and the adjustment of cooperative topics, items, contents of the relevant system of the SCO is compatible with foreign strategic demand of Mainland China at different periods. It also shows the “Mobilization of bias” of its predominating in the establishment, operation and change of said organization. As regards the history of the SCO development, from strengthening mutual trust and good-neighborly relations in military and international security to promoting their effective cooperation in political affairs, economy and trade, scientific-technical, cultural, and educational spheres as well as in energy, transportation, and environment protection fields; Mainland China will continue to strengthen the cooperation in aspects such as politics, economics, security, energy and anti-terrorism. In the meanwhile, it will also take a further step to recruit more members to join this organization, to enhance the cooperation and relation with other international or regional organizations, and to reduce the degree of dependence of countries in Central Asia and in Mainland China border regions dominant to the west head of the United States to accord with its foreign statement opposing local despots, reach its goal to dominate in local area, and then reach its wild ambition of contending for hegemony with the western big countries, such as the United States, European countries etc.


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