  • 學位論文


40 km/hr in Taipei:Passengers’ Position and Interaction on the Bus

指導教授 : 劉可強


公車在台北發展的歷史已經有八十五年,可說是台灣庶民文化中的一種代表,對於台北的社會與生活都具有密不可分的重要性,但公車文化在學術研究上卻少有研究。尤其是近四十年來台北公車的路線和數量大為增加,而使台北的公車文化更為普及。相較於台灣其他地區,台北的公車路網相較是非常緊密,而且公車班次也顯的非常頻繁,乘客之間難以辨識彼此,加上都市人的疏離冷淡,也因此形成公車上冷漠的人際互動關係,並蘊生了台北公車獨特的現象。 在台北公車乘客裡仍以女性為主,分佈於各個年齡層,而男性佔少數,其中又以老人和小孩為多。公車族使用公車來做為認知、掌握台北的圖像的工具,進而得到無限的樂趣和成就感。相對於一般的開放公共空間,公車是一個封閉公共空間。公車上空間位置的選擇與隱密性、領域感、不確定性的壓力、無干擾性的空間、習慣的空間、危險的空間和安全感都有重要的關連性。關於公車的整體空間感,乘客對公車空間的想像常常是豐富而具有趣味性。 在公車上的人際互動方面,台北公車的乘客要指認出熟悉的陌生人,可以大致上分為五項必要條件:(一)搭乘公車的時間固定。(二)搭乘的公車路線固定。(三)連續性的長時期搭乘公車。(四)同車站搭乘的固定乘客。(五)公車班次不是非常多。乘客性別的差異性互動方面,在公車的空間走位裡,不論男女乘客似乎都比較喜歡坐在女性旁邊,而女性乘客對旁邊座位上「人」的感受比男性在乎,男性則比較在乎「空間」大小的感受。


The development of bus service in Taipei has been eighty-five years, becoming a kind of representation of Taiwanese popular culture. The relationship between society and daily life in Taipei is very important, but there are few papers dealing with the bus culture. Since the bus lines and amount of buses have increased during the past forty years, bus culture has become more popular. As compared with other areas in Taiwan, the network of bus lines is very dense, and runs very frequently. Passengers often do not recognize other passengers because of an attitude of urban apathy. Therefore, passengers tend to avoid interaction which reflects a special characteristic of the bus culture in Taipei. The majority of bus passengers in Taipei are females of all age groups. Males account for less and they tend to be elders and children. Bus passengers use the bus as a way to recognize and manage the image of Taipei in order to have infinite fun and a sense of accomplishment. Correspondingly, bus as a public space is much more closed than common open public space. The choice of position on the bus refer to covertness, territoriality, uncertain pressure, space without interruption, habitual space, dangerous space and the sense of security. The imagination of the bus space of passengers is colorful and interesting. In terms of passengers’ interaction on the bus, there are five necessary conditions for the passengers to recognize familiar strangers: 1) ride buses at fixed times, 2) ride buses on fixed lines, 3) continuously ride buses, 4) passengers who board buses at the same stop, 5) infrequent runs of the bus line. In the aspect of the difference of interaction with regard to passengers’ sex, everybody likes to sit by the side of females when choosing a place. Females care more about who sits close to her than males, and males tend to care about the feeling of the space size.


bus passenger closed public space position interaction


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宋恩儀(2011)。雙腳踩踏的變奏曲: 台北市腳踏車族的移動經驗與身體實踐〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01435
