  • 學位論文


A Study on Evaluation Indices pf Intelligent Building-Safety and Security Index only

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


智慧建築(Intelligent Building ,IB)之發展源於國外電腦資訊之發達及自動化技術之進步,而應用於建築物之設備自動控制與設施管理。1981年美國UTBS (United Technology Building Systems) 組織提出IB的觀念,而後在1983年七月,隨著美國City Place Building的誕生,也正式宣告智慧建築的時代來臨。台灣自1989年引進智慧型建築之觀念以來,『智慧建築』、『高科技』、『智慧辦公大樓』等字眼快速地出現在生活的周遭。經過十幾年來之研究發展後,對於智慧建築的評定,我國也走出特有的『智慧建築標章』評估系統,就是內政部建築研究所於2003年推出的『智慧建築解說與評估手冊』。 智慧建築標章推出後,國內業者對其內容多持保留態度,申請情況並不理想。本研究以七大指標中的安全防災指標內容為主要研究範圍,目的是希望能夠針對指標內容作全面性的檢討,並在研究過程中合理的反映國內相關業者意見,以期改善申請情況。藉由專家訪談與問卷調查分析發現,指標內容與業者需求認知有一定程度差距,除影響標章申請狀況外,更造成制度推廣的困難,故在結論中提出擬定之建議內容做為後續相關研究參考,以期未來在安全防災指標方面之研究能更臻完整。


Intelligent Building is developed upon the basis of the rapid computer technology development in foreign countries, and the progress of automation as well. Generally, Intelligent Building is applied in the building’s automation control and its Facility Management. In 1981, the IB theory is advanced by United Technology Building Systems. With the emergence of City Place Building in America in July, 1983, Intelligent Building ushers in a new age of high-tech buildings. The concept ” Intelligent Building” is introduced in1989. Since then, the words such as Intelligent Building, high technology, or Intelligent Office Buildings have been commonly used in daily life. After more than 10 years of research and development, Intelligent Building Evaluation Indices takes root in Taiwan. For example, the evaluation indices and illustration manual of “Intelligent Building Regulation” is promoted by the Architecture and Building Research Institute , Ministry of Interior , R.O.C in regard to the evaluation of Intelligent Building. After the “Intelligent Building Regulation” on foot , it seems that most of the domestic construction dealers do not want to apply it. This paper deals with the overall reflection in regard to the content of Intelligent Building Evaluation Indices, narrowing down the scope to Safety and Security Index only. In addition, the research also involves the opinions of domestic construction dealers in order to improve the amount of application for “Intelligent Building Regulation”. According to the interviews with experts and research papers, there are still certain gaps between Intelligent Building Evaluation Indices and the dealers’ demands. This makes the application thundery and popularization difficult. The conclusion part of this thesis based on reference materials proposes some advices to improve Intelligent Building Evaluation Indices, hoping to make the principles to evaluate Indices of Intelligent Building (Safety and Security Index only) more perfect and mature.


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