  • 學位論文


The Work Process of Vietnamese Female New Immigrants Providing Service for New Immigrants

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


自從1990年代以來陸續有東南亞籍新移民移入台灣,自此與新移民相關的議題成為社會主流與學術討論的焦點,全國各縣市政府也已設立「外籍配偶(或新移民、新住民)家庭服務中心」。新移民社會工作領域中,在直接服務方面至今仍摸索各種不同的工作方法與模式,以滿足新移民及其家庭之多元性需求,引進新移民姊妹加入提供服務者的行列,即是其中一種嘗試。本研究從越南新移民女性成為提供服務者的角色出發,探討她們投入服務新移民工作之歷程。 本研究以越南新移民女性在新移民家庭服務中心擔任全職工作為研究對象,採取質性研究法深度訪談5位越南新移民女性工作者以及服務中心的3位主管及2位社工。研究探討越南新移民女性從事新移民工作的實務經驗,包括她們進入中心工作的途徑、動機、工作內容、需求、工作優勢、工作困境與因應策略,以及越南新移民女性與中心對未來新移民工作者相關制度、服務之期待。 研究發現,越南新移民女性工作者主要透過親友介紹與中心主管直接招募和聘用得到工作機會。她們的工作內容近似「社工」,但在通譯服務或文化宣導與母語教學等工作項目,是本國籍社工所無法替代。歸納來說,其工作優勢,包括語言能力、文化知識、移民經驗及母國資訊;在工作困境方面,則包括社會工作專業知能不足、個人因素和組織因素。本研究亦發現,新移民女性工作者因組織所提供的在職教育訓練和本身的自我學習,有利於促進團隊合作精神、增進工作效能並提升服務品質。 研究者研究結果提出實務與未來研究建議,期待研究結果能提升對新移民家庭服務中心與新移民願意投入服務新移民工作的瞭解與重視,也作為後續推動新移民實務工作與相關研究之參考。


Since the 1990s, Southeastern Asian immigrants have gradually migrated to Taiwan and topics relevant to new immigrants have been the focus of social mainstream discussions and academic literature. In response to the increasing number of new immigrants, county and city governments across Taiwan have established foreign spouse (alternatively new immigrant or new resident) family service centers. In social work areas related to new immigrants, various direct service work methods and models have been explored to satisfy the diverse needs of new immigrants and their families. A portion of new immigrant women have become service providers in these new immigrant family service centers. This study investigated the process by which new immigrant Vietnamese female became service providers for new immigrants, from the perspective of their role of service providers. The study participants were new immigrants Vietnamese female who were employed full time at a new immigrant family service center. Using in-depth interviews, we collected data by interviewing 5 new immigrant Vietnamese female workers, 3 supervisors at the service center, and 2 social workers. The results exhibited the participants’ empirical experiences in providing services for new immigrants, including the methods they used to obtain employment at the center, their motivations for working in the center, work content, demands, work advantages, work difficulties, and coping strategies. This study also explored participant and service center expectations regarding systems related to new immigrant workers and the provided services. The results indicated that the participants obtained their jobs primarily by introductions through their families or friends and direct recruitment and employment by the center supervisor. The work content of the participants was similar to that of social workers; however, the translation and interpretation services, cultural promotions, and native language lessons provided by the participants were services that Taiwanese social workers could not provide. The participant work advantages involved their language abilities, cultural knowledge, immigration experiences, and knowledge of information regarding their native country (i.e., Vietnam). The difficulties the participants encountered during work included inadequate professional knowledge of social work, personal factors, and organizational factors . The results showed that participants taking part in the in-service education training provided by the organization and independent learning during the work processes facilitated teamwork, improvement of work performance, and enhancement of service quality. Based on the study results, we proposed suggestions for future practical applications and research directions. The results can enhance public understanding of and attention to new immigrant family service centers and the new immigrants who are willing to provide services for other new immigrants. Furthermore, the results can serve as a reference for the promotion of new immigrant work and for relevant research.


夏曉鵑(2002)。〈流離尋岸─資本國際化下的「外籍 新娘」現象〉。《台灣社會研究季刊》,第3期,頁153-196。
