  • 學位論文


A Policy Analysis of TIPO's Efforts to Reduce the Patent Backlog

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


專利申請的數量在近幾年快速的成長,同時也造成各國專利審查機關審查不及,待審案件快速累積的情況。我國專利審查機關-經濟部智慧財產局亦面臨相同的問題,自2007年逐漸累增的專利申請案件在2011年達到到16萬件的高峰,平均一件專利申請案件需要45.9個月才能審結,早巳超出高科技產品2至3年的生命週期。所以專利還沒審結,產品市場週期就巳結束,嚴重影響台灣產業競爭力,亟需有效解決。 本研究透過文獻分析、比較分析以及深度訪談等方式,剖析造成我國專利積案增加的原因及專利審查環境所面臨之困境,並比較分析美國、歐盟、日本、韓國及中國大陸專利審查流程,了解渠等於面對專利積案,在人力、流程等行政管理上所採行之措施,及全面性組織改革或再造的情況,再藉由訪談產業界、學界及政府機構人員,以了解其對於我國專利審查效能及專利保護制度的期待,並且就不同層面探討透過組織改造方式改善專利積案的可行措施,包括程序再造、業務再造以及引進行政法人等方式。 為加快專利審查效能, 智慧局自2010年執行清理專利積案計畫, 並以提升專利審查人員審查能量、補足編制空缺、運用研發替代役及增聘固定任期制約聘人員協助檢索及審查等方式,以增加審查人力,另亦參考日本及韓國將部分業務外包的方式,成立財團法人專利檢索中心專責協助辦理專利分類或檢索等非專利審查核心之業務。該計畫執行迄今,專利積案情況確實有大幅改善,發明專利待審案件量於2014年12月已降為99,865件,平均審結期間亦降為33.43個月,預估至2015年底發明專利待審案件量再減少為76,845件,平均審結期間亦會再下調為26個月,迄至2016年底將回復到22個月審結的合理審查期間。然而,前述部分措施為臨時性作法,例如運用研發替代役及增聘約聘人員,若無其他長期有效機制規劃運作下,專利積案的問題恐無法完全解決。 為能長期穩定確保專利審查效能以解決專利積案問題,本研究提出三項建議,包括:一、以專利規費收入設立專利發展基金,專供專利審查或推動專利保護等相關事宜使用。二、修正專利審查流程,提供申請人可選擇加速或延緩審查之選擇,此外,並導入檢索先行再提出實體審查申請機制,以善用有限的實質審查人力資源。三、持績強化國際交流並參與審查合作事宜,助益提升我國產業國際競爭力。


The patent applictions increased worldwide rapidly in recent yesra and therefore led to the result that the patent authorities in many counries migh mot promptly complete their examination and pending cases growed dramatically. The growing backlogs of patnets awaiting processing, while applicants face increased waiting imes to receive a patent. TIPO, the patent authority in Taiwan, also encountered the same problem. The number of pending application reached the peak of more than 160,000 in 2011, and the average pendency is approximately 45.9 months form the date of filing the request for examination, which means it takes longer time than the life circle of hi-tech product to finish the application procedure. In other works, a produc’s market life circle may end before its patent application and such problems hurts many Taiwanese industries’ compaeness which require immediate solution. By means of literature review, comparative analysis and interviews, this study examine the reasons resulting in the growth of patent backlog and the difficulties arising in the patent examination sysem. An analysis of the procedures of patent examination in US, European Union, Japan, Korea and China, to figure out their administrative measures in respects of workload and process or organizational changes to reduce backlogs. The study also conducted a series of interviews wih taiwan’s industries, scholarships and governmental institutions to explore the expectations for the efficiency og patent examination and the patent system. Finally, the study discuss the applicable measures to reduce the patent backlog in respects of process re-engineering, business re-engineering and non-departmental public body. In order to expedite the processing of patent applications, TIPO in 2010 submitted the Patent Backlog Reduction Project which adopted specific measures, such as to hire more examiners, establish the Patent Search Center and employ alternative military draftees with R&D background to assist with prior art search. TIPO are now looking to a decline in the number of to 76,845 cases by the end of 2015, and the average time for conclusion being shortened to 26 months. However, for further perspective, the study provides three suggestions. Firstly, TIPO should collect the patent fee as his own buget inorder to to improve the quality of patent examination. Secondly, TIPO may provide more flexibility for applicans to choice accelerating or pending their case. He may also saking applicns take a search of the piror art berfore they submit an examination request. Finally, TIPO should countine to enhance bilateral cooperation on patent examination and promoto Taiwan’s innovation to the world.


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