  • 學位論文


A Case Study about Religious Beliefs and Mental Health of Elderly within a Buddhist Nursing Institution

指導教授 : 鄭惠珠


台灣自 1993 年進入高齡化社會以來,老化的速度超乎預期,經建會推估 2018 年會達到國際慣例及聯合國等國際機構所稱的高齡社會(Aged Society);台灣邁入老年化的社會之後,致使機構式的照護需求和重要性相對增加。由於入住機構的老人往往是不得不的選擇,商業化的安養照護機構經營者、照顧者畢竟不是親人的關係,因此入住的安養機構對於宗教信仰的支持,會是老人心理健康重要的一環。 本研究採質性研究法,於 2015 年 3 至 4 月期間,依照訪問者到達時當場願意接受訪談的便利取樣方式,深度訪談了 13 位住民,試圖瞭解宗教團體立意於宗教建立的養護機構,是否較能提供老年人安養的慰藉,以滿足其心理及宗教上的需求。另外,也訪問了 2 位工作人員;一位是機構的主管、一位是社工人員,以了解機構是如何營造宗教活動的環境和落實。 本研究的分析架構在「機構老人的宗教信仰與心理健康」的部份包括:住民的晨起感受、生理狀況和健康感受、機構生活舒適感受、宗教信仰的人生幫助和宗教活動與心理反應;在確認「機構如何營造宗教活動環境和落實」的部份,則探討了:機構和受訪者基本資料、工作人員如何關懷機構老人、照顧老人的方式和分工狀況、宗教活動空間、場所的規劃與協助、宗教活動的設計與進行、機構推動宗教活動的堅持和宗教活動的效益。 研究的結果發現:住民絕大多數具有宗教信仰,顯然喜歡偏向宗教團體所辦的機構入住。住民有不一樣的宗教信仰,入住之後都能融入佛教的信仰環境。而團體活動可以讓老人身、心動起來,在生理和心理上不斷的產生互動和刺激;非宗教性的團體活動可以排除老人不自覺陷入的呆滯及無聊感,而屬於宗教性團體活動的進行,則滿足了老人心理的需求。 多數住民習慣於機構宗教可及性高的生活環境,大多擁有很好的晨起心情。在訪談中得知有宗教信仰、參加宗教活動的住民,在生活上是比較能接受現狀,比較能享受生活中的樂趣,也在機構中住的比較舒適;所以,宗教是能提供住民心理健康的支持。 雖然住民的宗教活動參與程度不一致,有的住民並無虔誠的宗教信仰,但沈浸在宗教氣氛之下,即使沒有積極的宗教活動也能得到心靈的提升,生活滿意度也高,顯示了不錯的心理健康情形。 「宗教信仰」對於機構的經營其實非常的重要。機構若能支持宗教信仰,積極營造並落實宗教活動,可以幫助住民的身心發展,使老人過著優質的生活;然後照顧住民直到生命之善終,這是經營機構的社會責任,也是機構經營者最大的成就感。


Since Taiwan stepped into the early stage of the aged society in 1993, the speed of population aging has been much faster than expectation. The Council for Economic Planning and Development forecasts that Taiwan will reach the so-called 'Aged Society' according to the definition of the international conventions and international institutes such as the United Nations. The importance and demands of nursing institutions will increase relatively. Because it is usually the last choice to live in the nursing institutes and the owners and employees in the nursing institutions are not their relatives of the ones who lives within, the support for their religious beliefs in the nursing institutions will play an important role in the mental health of the elderly that lives there. A qualitative exploratory method was used in this study. In the nursing institution, the study carried out in-depth interviews with 13 elders according to the convenient sampling method to interview anyone who was willing to talk with the interviewer on the spot from March to April in 2015. The interviews with elders in the nursing institution were to explore whether the Buddhist nursing institution can give more comfort to the elderly to satisfy their demand in mental and religious aspects. In addition, two interviews with the CEO and one professional in social work were implemented to understand how the nursing establishes religious environment and practices in religious activities. The framework of this study includes two primary dimensions. The first dimension is about religious beliefs and mental health of the elderly in the nursing institution that is composed of the feelings of waking up in the morning, physical and healthy condition, comfortable life in the nursing institution, help from religious beliefs to their lives, and the mental reactions of religious activities. The other dimension is about how the nursing establishes religious environment and practices in religious activities that contains the basic data of those who were interviewed, the ways the employees take care of and concern themselves with the elderly in the nursing institution, the space for religious activities, the planning of the place, the design and implementation of activities, the insistence of the nursing institution on giving impetus to religious activities, and the benefits of religious activities. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Most of the elderly who have religious beliefs tend to choose the nursing institution established by religious group. 2. The elderly with different religious beliefs can be in harmony with the environment of Buddhism. 3. The group activities can let the elderly be active in physical and mental aspects and bring interactions and stimuli in the foresaid aspects. 4. The non-religious group activities can eliminates the lethargies and boredom without self-awareness of the elderly. The religious group activities can satisfy the mental demand of the elderly. The elderly who are used to the environment of high religious accessibility can mostly have good feelings when waking up in the morning. In the interviews, the finding is noted that the elderly who have religious beliefs and participate in religious activities can take the status quo and enjoy their lives more properly that result in more comfortable lives in the nursing institution. Therefore, religion can provide support to mental health. Though the degree of participation in religious activities varies, some elders without devout religious beliefs and active involvement in the religious activities have promotion in mind, more satisfactions in life and good mental health in the surrounding of religion. The religious beliefs are very important to the running of the nursing institutions. If the institution can support for the religious beliefs and implement religious activities actively, it will be helpful for quality lives, the development in physical and mental aspects of the elderly. Then, taking good care of the elderly till the last moment can be achieved. This is the social responsibility of running the nursing institution, and also their most precious achievements.


范光中、許永河(2011)。台灣人口高齡化的社經衝擊。台灣老誌第 5 卷第 3 期
