  • 學位論文


The Effects of Food and Beverage Skill Tests on Employability of the Tourist Hotels Chefs

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究旨在探討餐飲內場從業人員對於技能檢定影響就業力個人認 知現況與重要性之關係。本研究採用問卷調查法以高雄市地區觀光飯店 餐飲內場從業人員為對象進行研究,將問卷帄均分配於高雄市地區四星 級以上等級之觀光旅館,以分層隨機抽樣發放於各廚房內場部門(中餐 部、西餐部、西點烘焙部)。總計發出問卷308份,回收有效問卷270份, 佔全部發出問卷的87.34%。資料採用SPSS套裝軟體進行帄均數、標準差、 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較及皮爾遜積差相關統計方法 進行資料分析。本研究之結果如下:(一)技能檢定對就業力影響的個人 認知程度方面在專業知識及技術、職涯規劃與學習能力有顯著差異。(二) 餐飲從業人員普遍認為取得乙級技術士證照有助於取得就業優勢、提升 職場升遷機會、求職自我推薦之能力;取得丙級技術士證照在學習意願 方面沒有明顯幫助。(三)技能檢定對就業力影響的個人認知程度及重要 性程度方面皆重視乙級技術士證照對於就業、升遷、求職方面之助益。(四) 取得較多證照從業人員對於技能檢定影響就業力的認同程度高於取得一 張證照的從業人員。(五)餐飲內場從業人員對於技能檢定影響就業力之 個人認知現況及重要性有顯著相關。


In this study, we would like to investigate the relationship between the skills certification affect personal cognitive status and importance by employees of inside field of food and beverage industry. We use questionnaire method researching the employees of inside field for above five- star tourist hotel at Kaohsiung city. And the random sampling for department of kitchen inside field (such as department of Chinese food, western- style food and baking food). The SPSS was used to analyze the average, standard deviation, t- test, one- way ANOVA, scheff#westeur042# s method and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the samples. From results show, an expertise, technology, career planning and learning ability have significant differences by personal cognitive on the skills certification. The foodservice employees generally believed has a level B technician licenses conduced to obtain an employment advantage, enhance chance of advancement and ability of self- referral, but obtain level C technician licenses not has obviously help on the willing to learn. And the level B technician licenses conduced to employment, promotion and job search. The obtain more licenses recognition degree higher one license. The skills certifications affect personal cognitive status and importance has significant related by employees of inside field of food and beverage industry.


