  • 學位論文


The Exploratory Study on Teenagers and the Young Adults Behavior of Attending Internet Cafe--Intermediary Role Perspective

指導教授 : 劉士豪


網咖產業的興盛在2000年造成風潮,加上連線遊戲助長之下,吸引了青少年投入;然而在此同時,政府機關極力推行學校、家庭資訊化與電腦化,目前台灣學校、家中擁有電腦的比率已算相當高,在這麼多可供選擇上網的場所,為何青少年偏偏選擇網咖作為其獲取網路資訊服務的場所。本研究提出網咖對於青少年而言是一個集結所有資源的中間商,透由這個中間商可以滿足他們的需求。因此本研究從經由實地觀察及文獻探討推論出三個可能影響青少年選擇網咖使用行為的觀點,即理性經濟觀點、社會群體觀點、網咖的附加價值觀點。 本研究鎖定以12-23歲桃園縣內所屬之國中、高中、高職、專科及大學在學學生,以比例抽樣12家學校,共發出1080份問卷,回收之後剔除無效問卷,有效問卷為807份。 研究結果發現,青少年網咖使用的人口特性分析,有七成以上的青少年皆有到過網咖的經驗,而去網咖青少年以男生為多數,而待在網咖的時間以一個月1~4次為最多,平均每次待的時間以3-4小時為最多。而在差異比較上,性別為男生、家中無電腦或網路、及零用錢較多的青少年去網咖的可能性較高。 從理性經濟面解釋青少年選擇網咖使用行為之關係發現,對於成本較不在乎的青少年會選擇去網咖;在效益考量構念上,選擇網咖的青少年對於網咖的電腦設備好、連線速度快以及軟體遊戲多,符合青少年需要而達到效益;另外對於遊戲需求高的青少年會選擇網咖;而喜歡無拘束干擾環境的青少年,則選擇非網咖場所。 從社會群體構面與青少年選擇網咖使用行為之關係發現,大多數之青少年在決定是否到網咖的決策,會受到參考群體提出的建議所影響,且青少年所重視的參考群體以同學朋友最高、父母次之。而參考群體的主觀規範對青少年去網咖態度或評價呈越低(負向),青少年不去網咖的可能性越高。另外對於同儕從眾性影響越高之青少年,選擇去網咖的機會也越高。 從網咖附加價值構面與青少年選擇網咖使用行為之關係發現,對於網咖所提供的人際互動、逃避現實、情境感受程度越高,越可能選擇去網咖;且網咖沉溺的程度也越高。 本研究提出以理性經濟、社會群體、網咖附加價值三個構面確實能清楚解釋及區分青少年選擇到網咖的行為;未來對於網咖業者的策略經營及社會教育單位對青少年去網咖的管理及規範有相當之助益。


The booming of the industry of the Internet café has been starting a trend since 2000, add to the furtherance of the on-line games, attracting teenagers to join. Meanwhile, the government agency makes every effort to promote every school and household turns into informative and computerized. Currently the rate of owning the computer of schools and households in Taiwan has been estimated very high, in other words, there are so many alternative places where the teenager can choose to get to the Internet; why the Internet cafe is the teenagers’ favored place to access the Internet. This research proposes the Internet café , which is the intermediate place that gathering all resources, can satisfy teenagers’ need through the service provided. So this research observes on the spot and through the study of the cultural heritage infers three possible factors, which are form the standpoints of rational economics, society and the add value of the Internet café, that impact the behavior of teenagers attending the Internet café. This research targets with students, whose age are from 12 to 23 years old, ranging from the senior high school, senior high vocational school, specialty college and university in Taoyuan County. With 12 schools of the proportional sampling, sending out 1080 questionnaires totally. The number of valid questionnaire are 807, after collecting all questionnaire and getting rid of the invalid ones. The result of the research shows that there are more than 70% of teenagers had been to Internet café before. The majority of these teenagers are male; most of them will go to the Internet cafe 1 to 4 times a month and stay there for about 3-4 hours each time. In variance comparison, the teenager ,who is male、doesn’t have Internet related equipments at home or has sufficient pocket money , will have the higher probability to go to the Internet café. From the rational economy point of view to interpret the behavior of teenager choose to go to the Internet cafés; you may find out teenagers who don’t care about their budget will most likely select Internet café. In the consideration of the efficiency, they choose the Internet café is because the more advanced computer facility can fit their needs such as the faster speed to access the on-line game and various choice of these on-line games. Besides, the teenager who is in favor of on-line game will select the Internet café; the others who like more private environment which is without interference, will select “non-Internet café” places. From the relation between the group of society and the behavior of the usage of the Internet café we may discover that the vast majority of teenagers will be highly influenced by reference group to decide whether they will go there or not. The most powerful influence is from their friends or classmates, then parents. And more negative subjective norms and regulation from the reference group towards to the teenagers will make impact on them not to go there. Besides the teenagers who are easily affected by their friends or classmate will have higher probability to go to the Internet café. From the relation of the added value of the Internet café between the behavior of the usage of the Internet café, we may find out that the teenagers who accept the style of the interaction of the human relations, escapism and the virtual feelings that the Internet provided more likely to use the Internet café. And the extent of indulging in Internet café is much higher. The submission of this research can clearly interpret and distinguish the teenagers’ behavior of using Internet café with the economy of the rationality, the community of the society ,and the added value of the Internet point of view. This research is quite helpful for the business men who try to build strategic management plan when they are running the Internet café. It’s also helpful for the official education departments when they want to manage well or set regulations on the Internet café.


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