  • 學位論文


The Influence of Trust and Power Relationships on the Performance Appraisal of Managers by Family Business Owner

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


由於華人社會深受家族及儒家思想影響,造成華人在處理人際關係時,會特別重視彼此的權力差距及關係親疏。台灣的產業有極大部分的比例是屬於家族企業,而家族企業的企業主,其管理風格也表現出重權(威權領導)、重情(關係取向)的現象。本研究從文獻中整理出華人社會中家族企業之企業主,在面對不同權力關係、信任關係及層級位階的專業經理人時,會有不同行為導向之原因及衡量架構,本研究即運用此架構,藉由實驗設計並運用投射理論,設計出具備8種關係類型模擬情境的問卷。由受訪者以問卷情境中家族企業之企業主的角度,去對問卷設計的8種關係類型之專業經理人,回答績效評估時的認知與結果為何。本研究分析結果摘要如下: 1. 家族企業的企業主在面對不同層級的專業經理人時,對於「層級較高的經理人」其績效評估軸會傾向「偏重信任關係」;對於「層級較低的經理人」其績效評估軸會傾向「偏重權力關係(專業能力)」。 2. 家族企業的企業主在面對不同親疏關係及不同權力關係的專業經理人時,關係親近且權力高的經理人會得到最高的績效分數,第二是關係疏遠且權力高者,第三是關係親近且權力低者,最後是關係疏遠且權力低者。 3. 家族企業的企業主在面對不同權力關係、不同親疏關係及不同層級位階的專業經理人時,會有不同的績效評估行為,即:(1)當該經理人之信任關係好、權力關係(專業能力)高時,企業主對層級高的經理人,會比層級低的經理人給予較高的績效分數;(2)當該經理人之信任關係差、權力關係(專業能力)高時,企業主對層級低的經理人,會比層級高的經理人給予較高的績效分數;(3)當該經理人之信任關係好、權力關係(專業能力)低時,企業主對該經理人的績效評估,不會受該經理人之層級位階所影響;(4)當該經理人之信任關係差、權力關係(專業能力)低時,企業主對層級低的經理人,會比層級高的經理人給予較高的績效分數。 4. 女性受訪者較男性受訪者更傾向認為,家族企業主在面對問卷中關係疏遠且專業能力好的低階主管做績效評估時,會受關係背景親疏所影響。 5. 年齡越大、職位屬於管理人員且教育背景為研究所以上的受訪者,其認知的家族企業主,更會受關係背景親疏所影響。即職場經驗越豐富、越接近企業權力核心的受訪者,越可能會體會及認知到關係背景親疏對企業主在做績效評估的影響。 6. 由本研究的結果得知,如果是在公司規模越大、成立時間越久的公司任職之受訪者,其認知的企業主在評估「層級越低的主管」時,會較傾向注重在「專業能力」上的考量;但對於「層級越高的主管」則較傾向注重在「信任關係」的考量。 由以上結果得知,家族企業的企業主,其在對專業經理人做績效評估時,的確會受該經理人之信任關係、權力關係及層級位階三個變數所影響。在理論的貢獻上,本研究結果證實了先前相關學者在理論上的推論。本研究在實務上的建議,是:(1)企業主應意識到自己在績效評估時的確會受上述變數影響,故應瞭解此管理風格的優缺點並做適當的調整;(2)專業經理人應瞭解企業主在做績效評估時,會偏重什麼衡量變數,並適當地調整自己的能力表現與彼此關係型態。


The familism and the Confucianism thoughts have deeply influence the Chinese society for a long time, thus Chinese take each other into account with the power distance and guan-xi in dealing with interpersonal relationships. Most of Taiwan's businesses are family business, therefore, the administration of Chinese family business always facing the problems of authoritarianism and guan-xism. The literature review shows the reasons and framework that Chinese family business owner demonstrates different assessing behavior when dealing with different kinds of power distance, different levels of trust relationship, as well as professional managers of different ranks. Basing on this framework, the researcher designs eight kinds of simulated situation in the questionnaire by using projective technique in this experimental design. This research discusses the appraisal dimensions and responses of the participants who completed the questionnaire from family business owner’s perspective considering 8 different kinds of professional manager. The summary of research findings are as follow: 1. When family business owner assesses professional managers with different ranks, he prefers guan-xi (trust relationship) when assessing higher ranks. However, he prefers power relationship (power of expertise) when assessing lower ranks. 2. When family business owner assesses professional managers with different kinds of trust and power relationships, managers with “closer guan-xi and higher power” get highest appraisal score. And managers with “alienated guan-xi and higher power” and “closer guan-xi and lower power” get lower appraisal scores respectively. Finally, managers with “alienated guan-xi and lower power” get lowest appraisal score. 3. When family business owner assesses professional managers with different kinds of trust relationship, power relationship and different ranks, (1) he scores higher to higher rank than lower rank when managers with “closer guan-xi and higher power;”(2) he scores higher to lower rank than higher rank when managers with “alienated guan-xi and higher power; ”(3) he scores no significant difference between higher rank and lower rank when managers with “closer guan-xi and lower power;”(4) he scores higher to lower rank than higher rank when managers with “alienated guan-xi and lower power.” 4. Female respondents answer that family business owner will be affected when assessing lower rank with “alienated guan-xi and higher power” than those male respondents. 5. Respondents with older age, management position and higher educative background are more likely to have empathy to family business owner when he takes guan-xi into serious account. 6. Respondents in companies which are larger in size and longer in history tend to respond more likely to first research finding mentioned above. The contribution of this research is to verify empirically that family business owner does consider trust relationship, power relationship and ranks when assessing professional managers. The suggestions in practice are: (1) family business owner should recognize his own management style and does some proper adjustment; (2) professional managers should realize that their boss will take these factors in appraisal and find a better way to improve themselves.


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卓明德(2012)。領導行為、追隨行為與領導效能關係之研究 —領導者與追隨者對偶心理定位之觀點〔博士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200112
