  • 學位論文

室內照明環境的照度分佈對主觀評價 影響之研究

Reserch on the Effect of Interior Illuminance Distribution on Subjective Evaluation

指導教授 : 謝明燁


現今國人的生活多在室內的空間當中進行,室內的環境品質對使用者之生理與心理所產生的影響也就相對的重要,其中又以照明環境的品質影響最深。在人體的五感中以視覺的感知刺激最為強烈,室內環境所呈現的影像都需要透過光線反射才能成像。當室內之光源以不同的型式分佈於空間中,使室內照明環境產生不同的明暗變化與照度的分佈,此時空間所呈現的影像給予受測者之視覺感知也就大不相同,因此照明在空間中往往扮演著情境傳達的重要角色。照明設計者應考量空間的使用性質,並瞭解室內的不同照度分佈給予使用者之主觀印象為何,才能選擇適當的照明方式達到環境的品質需求。因此本研究的目的在於瞭解不同的照度分佈環境對使用者的主觀評價影響,並且進一步從節能的角度切入,探討不同照度分佈型式在明亮感上的差異。 本研究分為兩個階段,第一階段以縮尺模型模擬室內照明環境的方式進行語意分析,並將實驗所得結果以變異數分析法、相關分析法與迴歸分析法等統計方式,分別對二十組主觀評價進行演算與探討。第二階段則以縮尺模型所模擬的室內照明影像,針對明亮感進行一對一的比對實驗,比較兩兩照度分佈型式在相同的明亮感下其空間平均照度值的差異與變化。 研究結果顯示,受測者在不同照度分佈的環境下其主觀評價有顯著的差異且與均齊度有密切的相關,表示照明環境之照度分佈確實會影響使用者對空間的情境印象。整體而言,照度分佈較為平均的照明環境其明視感較高;照度分佈較為對稱且具空間方向性者其喜好感較高;而空間明暗對比較高者其變化感較高。在照明節能方面,照明環境之均齊度與明亮感呈現正相關,表示提高照明環境之均齊度有助於提昇使用者對空間之明亮感知。


照度分佈 節能 均齊度 照明


The everyday activities of modern life take places mostly indoor and therefore the physical and psychological impact inflicted by the quality of indoor environment is relatively important to our lives while the quality of lighting environment is the most prominent among all factors since visual perception is the strongest of human’s five senses and all designs for indoor environment can only be delivered through the reflection of light. The different patterns of indoor light source distribution create a variety of lights and shades, illuminance distributions, and receiver’s visual perceptions of the space, and as a result, illumination is usually an essential part of scenario delivery in a space. Designers of illumination appliances should take into consideration the practical function of a space and the subjective impression created by various patterns of illuminance distributions to people using this space in order to select proper lighting best suited for the environment. Hence, the research aims to discuss the various illuminance distributions and their impact on users’ subjective evaluation and takes a further step into the issue of energy conservation to discover the different degree of brightness created by various patterns of illuminance distributions. The research is divided into two stages and first of which is to conduct semantic analysis through the scale models of various indoor lighting environments while the resulting 20 sets of subjective evaluations are calculated and discussed via various statistic methods, such as ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The second stage is a comparison experiment of brightness using scale models of various indoor illumination images, comparing the difference and transformation of average illumination in a space of identical brightness and altered illuminance distributions. The research shows remarkable difference of receiver’s subjective perception over environment of various illuminance distributions, and this alteration in perception is closely related to uniformity, indicating that illuminance distribution is influential to users’ impression to a space. Generally, a lighting environment of even illuminance distribution provides better visibility, that of symmetrical illuminance distribution and dimensional direction are more favored, and a space of stronger light and shade contrast gives greater sense of variation. In the aspect of energy conservation, the uniformity and brightness of a lighting environment has a positive relationship, meaning that increasing the uniformity of a lighting environment give better sense of brightness to users in that illuminated space.


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