  • 學位論文

產業變遷與企業策略轉型之關係—以印刷電路板產業A 公司個案為例

The Link between the Industry Change and the Enterprise Upgrading -- A Conterpart in the PCB Field

指導教授 : 王如鈺


電子產品像齒輪一樣不停轉動變化向前進,對於製造商來說如何搶得明星產品先機來維持企業持續獲利及穩定成長發展上極為重要經營目標,因此企業常常透過轉型來尋求發展機會,這也是常看到成熟產業的企業因轉型成功而永續發展、轉型錯誤造成企業倒閉事件發生。 印刷電路板從美商安培電子(1969 年)設廠後在台灣已經超過40 年已屬於成熟產業歷經2000 年網路泡沫化、2001 年美國911 恐怖攻擊、2008 年雷曼兄弟金融風暴這些外在環境影響造成印刷電路板企業外移、倒閉、併購行為,現今殘存於台灣PCB 相關產業整剩下104 家與2000 年700 多家相比差異甚遠。 本研究針對研究者實際在PCB 產業相關經驗探討PCB 產業各階段變化及特性,並經由探討過去(2011 年以前)、現在(2012 年至今)優劣公司策略及其他國家PCB 產業策略找尋出較佳競爭策略。並探討A 公司現今優勢及劣勢後規劃未來(現今至2026 年)轉型目標,保持未來10 年競爭優勢。 本研究主要研究動機從A 公司從1982 年成立至今已30 餘年屬於台灣PCB 產業中前三大生存時間最久公司,何種競爭策略可以讓企業持續成長力值得深入了解。藉由研究現今PCB 產業結果後對於未來產品方向討論出未來10 年A 公司轉型及競爭方向,結論共分四要點 1、 積極技術研發投入 2、 開拓新國際市場 3、 維持市場區隔 4、 積極自動化作業發展 關鍵字:印刷電路板、轉型策略、PCB


印刷電路板 轉型策略 PCB


Constantly upgrading and transforming the electronic products, the manufacturers make every endeavor to seize the chance getting their star products in profit and the business can keep on prosperously. Owing to the organization change for those mature industries, some corporates win their success and development and the others are shut down with fatal mistakes. Since from 1969 the American Electronics Amp founded, the printed circuit board industries have been developed to maturity for more than 40 years in Taiwan. Frustrated by the Dotcom Bubble in 2000, the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and the Collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, many PCB businesses were bankrupted, relocated, merged or acquired under the severe circumstances. And only 104 of 700 in 2000 are remained in the field by now. With years of practical experiences in the PCB industry, the researcher intends to explore the transitions happened in each stage of the PCB as well as the comparison between the strategies of the past and the present. Taking the advantage instead of the disadvantage to maintain its competition, the optimal solutions for A- Company in the coming decade are also intended to figure out in this study. A-Company, founded in 1982, has been developing for more than 30 years and keeps her place as one of the top three in the Taiwan PCB industry for a long time. What the smart strategies of A-Company are Motivated for the study. Why the enterprise maintains its performance and keeps on growing shall be understood. And the related reconstruction in competition for the next decade will be discussed by four main points as listing: 1. critically Upgrade R & D technology 2. internationally pioneer the potential 3. segmentally maintain the market 4. actively develop the automated operations Keyword :Printed circuit board、Transformation strategy、PCB


