  • 學位論文


Organization Design of the Interior Design Company

指導教授 : 喬凌浩


本研究主旨在重新建構室內設計公司之組織架構。本研究為個案研究法,研究前期針對個案公司進行問題蒐集,透過深入的觀察及員工訪談,確立了個案公司的主要問題在於(1)組織結構的扁平化,(2)職員之職務定義模糊,導致行政、人事管理混亂,人員溝通不良,資源無法妥善運用。 研究問題確定後,經由文獻探討與資料收集來協助提出新的組織建構方案,新的組織架構主要精華在於「垂直分層」、「橫向分化」兩大重點的落實。接著,比較組織結構重建之前後兩次的員工滿意度為檢測方式,滿意度分為五大構面「公司整體感受」、「公司行政管理」、「人事」、「主管」、「組織結構」。經過個案公司實際執行組織結構7個月後發現: 1. 重整後的組織結構強調「職務層級分化」與「水平分工專業化」,明顯提高員工工作滿意度。 2. 規範職務內容,並建立標準作業系統是降低職員溝通不良的要素。 3. 員工對組織結構的認同與投入會帶動員工對工作不同面向的滿意度。


This article concerned to build the organizational structure of the interior design company. At the beginning, this study found out two main issues of the case by “participate observation research” method and “interviewing” method. The problems were (1) the organizational structure of the case was flat, (2) the duties of the staff were indefinite. Many difficult management confusions were derived from these two issues, such as terrible human resources management, bad communication between the staff, can not be the proper use of resources…. The second step was to build a new organizational structure for the case as a solution. And the key point of this new structure is the "vertical stratification" and "horizontal differentiation". In addition, I tested the satisfaction of the staffs twice which before and after the new structure worked for 7 months. It is easy to compare the result of this test about satisfication. We can see that : 1. the new organizational structure which focused on "vertical stratification" and "horizontal differentiation" improves the job satisfaction. 2. to establish the standard job description which can improve the communication of the staff. 3. the new organizational structure really works, the staff satisfied with the job at different aspects.


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