  • 學位論文


The Strategic Implication of People's Republic of China's “Good-Neighboring” Policy – Focusing on the Political and Economic Relations between the PRC and the ASEAN Countries

指導教授 : 黃介正


從現代地緣政治的觀點來看,中國位於世界海洋地緣戰略區和歐亞大陸地緣戰略區的交接處,戰略地位凸顯出:中國既是能對兩大戰略區產生重要影響的國家,同時自己的安全環境也受制於兩大戰略區的大國關係;其次,在20世紀中,中國在其邊境分別與美國、蘇聯、日本、印度、越南、南韓與台灣發生過軍事衝突,因此中國最可能發生戰爭的地方是在自己境內、而非海外。中共第二代領導人鄧小平主政後,朝向「具有中國特色的社會主義」路線全力發展之際,更體認到「和平」與「發展」在解決「東西」、「南北」問題的重要性,從而確立其外交政策再次服膺於「和平共處五原則」,並積極拓展與周邊各國之外交關係,特別是東協國家。 中國謀求與周邊國家改善和發展關係,一方面是自身的經濟發展亟需一個和平穩定的周邊環境,同時還有戰略上的考量。東協國家對中國的經濟崛起及歷史上強大的中國,一向存有敏感而矛盾的心理,一方面擔心中國會像磁石自東協國家吸走外資,另方面又急欲拓展中國廣大的市場。中國藉由「睦鄰友好政策」,近年來與東協陸續簽署的「中國與東協綜合經濟合作架構協定(Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between ASEAN and China)」、「南中國海各方行為準則宣言(Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea)」、「東南亞友好合作條約(The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia)」及「中國–東協戰略夥伴關係聯合宣言(Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity)」,不僅有效降低「中國威脅論」之負面影響,及鄰國對其快速崛起的疑慮,亦藉由經濟合作的巨大利益,強調中國和平崛起(發展)是難得的機遇;對於這樣的趨勢與結果,勢將衝擊美國長期在亞太地區之戰略利益,而日本謀求政治大國之心態及印度積極尋求崛起之企圖,更使後冷戰時期東亞情勢趨於複雜與不確定。 本文將以文獻分析法,從傳統的現實主義及新現實主義理論探討中共「睦鄰友好」政策之戰略意涵,分析中共此一外交政策在其尋求「和平崛起」過程之重要性及成效,同時說明中共從「鐵板一塊」的意識形態政權,走向以「固本安邊」為其和平崛起戰略依托的「實事求是」具體作為,確實對美國主導之「一超多強」世界格局,造成衝擊。


中共 睦鄰友好 和平崛起 東協 現實主義


From the point of view of modern geopolitics, China lies at the crossroad between world marine geographical strategic region and Eurasia continental geographical strategic region. The unique strategic position protrudes that China can exert an important influence on the two great strategic regions, and that its security environment is tied to the big powers relationship of the regions at the same time. In addition, in the 20th century only, China had military conflicts with the USA, Soviet Union, Japan, India, Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan within or near China’s territory; it implies that a war could most likely be taken place within the Chinese territory, but not overseas. Since Deng Xiaoping, the second generation of leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, headed the administration, China’s national policies have significantly been changed: while they insisted the course toward a “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” they realized the importance of “peace” and “development” in solving the problems among “East-West” and “South-North” relations, they re-established their foreign policy following the “Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence”, and they actively expanded their foreign relations with neighboring countries, especially with the ASEAN countries. It is based on two considerations that China seeks to improve and develop a peaceful and steady relationship with the surrounding countries: for the needs of their own economic development, and for strategic purpose. The ASEAN countries have sensitive and contradictive psychology: on one hand, they are afraid China will be like a magnet siphoning away all of the foreign capitals from the ASEAN countries, and on the other hand, they expect a large Chinese market urgently. Based on the “Good Neighboring Principle”, China has successfully signed a couple of protocols with the ASEAN countries in recent years, including the “Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between ASEAN and China,” the ”Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea”, “The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia” and the “Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity”. These protocols have not only effectively reduced the negative impression of “China Threat” and the qualm of the neighboring countries to China’s emerging, but also provided enormous opportunities and interests for the neighboring countries through economic cooperation. The trends and results of the close relations between China and the ASEAN will inevitably generate great impact on the strategic interests of the United States in the Asian-Pacific area, on Japan’s and India’s seeking for big powers in political and economic arena, and furthermore on the more complicated and uncertain situation in east Asia in the post-Cold War era. The Document Analysis will be used in this thesis to explore the strategic meaning of China’s “Good-Neighboring Principle”, in view of traditional realism and Neo-realism theories, to find out the importance and outcome of the principle in the course of “Peaceful Emerging” of China, and to empirically describe the achievement of the Chinese Communist Party regime, after having abandoned the dogmatic ideology and adapted a practical and realistic approach to achieve the goal of peaceful emerging.


China Good Neighboring Policy ASEAN Realism




