  • 學位論文


The Employees' Rotation Intention and Their Perception to Job Rotation System, Organizational Justice: A Study of Universities in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃一峯


本研究以制度認知、組織公平為自變項,輪調意願為依變項,採用量化研究的方式,以北部地區大學教務處、學生事務處及總務處之專任職員為問卷調查對象,探討此三項變數之相關性,並以大學職員對此三變項之認知為何?不同的個人背景變項對此三變項是否有差異?制度認知與輪調意願之關係是否受到組織公平的中介影響?等三大問題進行研究,經實證分析後,結果發現: 一、組織公平「程序公平」、「分配公平」知覺越高的職員,其輪調意願之「被動意願」及「主動意願」就會越強。制度認知「制度支持」、「制度規範」知覺越高的大學職員,其輪調意願之「主動意願」及「被動意願」就越強。 二、有輪調經驗比無輪調經驗的職員有較高的輪調制度認知;50歲以上比40至49歲以及未滿40歲的職員,有較高的組織公平認知;專科以下學歷比大學學歷以及研究所以上學歷的職員,有較高的組織公平認知;研究所以上學歷比大學學歷的職員,有較高的輪調意願;公立學校比私立學校的職員,有較高的輪調意願。 三、制度認知透過組織公平影響輪調意願的效果並不顯著。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship among the staff’s perception to the job rotation, organizational justice and rotation intention. The research methods applied in this study include questionnaire survey and quantitative research methods, taking the staff’s perception to job rotation and organizational justice as the independent variables and the rotation intention as the dependent variable. The samples for this study include the fulltime staffs working at the Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Student Affairs, and Office of General Affairs in the universities in Northern Taiwan. This study is aimed to explore more of the following aspects: (1) the university staff’s perception of the three variables, (2) the effect of different personal background on the three variables, (3) the influence of the organizational justice on the relationship between the staff’s perception to the job rotation and rotation intention. The results demonstrate the following findings: The higher the staff’s perception to the organizational justice regarding the “procedure justice” and “distributive justice” is, the higher their “passive intention” or “active intention” will be. Staffs who have been rotated have higher perception to the job rotation than those who have not been rotated. Staffs aged 50 and above have higher perception to the organizational justice than those who aged 40 to 49 and those who aged below 40. Staffs who have a junior college education and below have higher perception to the organizational justice than those who have a college education and those who have a graduate school education and above. Staffs who have a graduate school education have higher rotation intention than those who have a college education. Public university staffs have higher rotation intention than private university staffs. The perception to the system under the organizational justice does not have an obvious effect on the rotation intention. Based on the survey findings, the suggestions for rotation system are proposed as the following: Promoting the goal and the function of the rotation system to the staffs who did not have previous rotation experiences. Providing the staffs with channels to participate in planning and reviewing the rotation system.


嚴秀茹、林育理、蔡國圳(2005),親屬禁用制度對員工公平知覺與工作態度之關係-以國內某大型製造業為實證,人力資源管理學報,5卷2期,67- 93。


