  • 學位論文


A Study of “Digital Storytelling” Through Mandala Thinking Method in Promoting Seven Graders’ English Writing Abilities

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


論文提要內容: 本研究目的在於探究利用曼陀羅思考技法融入英語數位說故事對國中七年級學生英語寫作能力的影響,並根據數位說故事理論、英語寫作模式理論和曼陀羅思考技法,發展出一套應用於一般教室教學情境的英語數位說故事教學模式。本研究利用國中七年級翰林版英語科課本Starter Unit∼Unit Eight的教學內容做為發展英語數位說故事教材的基本素材,採準實驗研究設計,方便取樣新北市某國中七年級二班共計58名學生,進行為期八週共計八堂課之實驗教學。本研究採隨機分派一個班為實驗組,接受曼陀羅思考技法教學,另一個班為控制組,接受一般資訊整合式教學。實驗教學前,兩組學生先接受自編英語寫作能力測驗前測;在實驗教學結束後,對兩組學生實施自編英語寫作能力測驗後測,以單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)進行統計分析,以檢驗實驗組與控制組的差異。 實驗分析結果如下: 一、英語寫作能力間接測驗: 「高成就」與「低成就」的實驗組學生在「字彙測驗」、「文法測驗」、「句子重組測驗」等分項測驗及「間接測驗」的表現優於控制組,且達顯著差異。 二、英語寫作能力直接測驗: 「高成就」與「低成就」的實驗組學生在「合併句子測驗」、「看圖作文測驗」、「命題作文測驗」等分項測驗及「直接測驗」的表現優於控制組,且達顯著差異。 三、英語寫作能力總測驗: 「高成就」與「低成就」的實驗組學生在英語寫作能力總測驗的表現優於控制組,且達顯著差異。 最後根據以上實驗研究結果,提出英語數位說故事融入英語教學以及未來研究提出建議,做為後續發展之參考。


Abstract: The study is aimed to explore the effect of applying Mandala thing method in digital storytelling upon promoting seven graders’ English abilities. Basing on the theories of digital storytelling, English writing models, and Mandala thinking method, the researcher developed a series of English digital storytelling curriculum applied in normal classroom teaching environment. Seventh grade English textbook( Hanlin Edition) is uaed as the source material for developing English digital storytelling teaching material. A quasi-experimental design was used. Two classes of seventh-graders, fifty-eight students in total, from a junior high school in New Taipei City were assigned to either the experimental or the control group randomly. The experimental group received “Mandala thinking method Instruction” while the control group received “Normal ICT Instruction”. The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks/classes. The English writing ability pre-test were given before the experiment. At the end of the experiment, English writing ablility pre-test was conducted. ANCOVA was used as the statistical data analysis procedure. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. the ‘high and low achievers’ in the experimental group scored significantly higher marks in terms of‘ vocabulary test’, ‘grammar test’, ‘ sentence re combination test’ and ‘ indirect test’ than the control group. 2. the ‘high and low achievers’ in the experimental group scored significantly higher marks in terms of‘ sentence combination test’, ‘ picture-composition test’, ‘ topic-composition test’ and ‘ direct test’ than the control group. 3. the ‘ high and low achievers’ in the experimental group scored significantly higher marks in terms of‘ English writing ability test’ than the control group. Based on the findings, suggestions for the application of English digital storytelling in English teaching and further studies were included


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