  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of the Hakka and Southern Min's Descendants in Yongjing and Puxin Region, Changhua County




族群 客家 彰化 永靖 埔心 空間分布


The methods of this study include: field work, literature and map analyses. Compared with the typical place names between Hakka and Southern Min in atlases, and designed the historical dialect region map of Hakka and Southern Min. Then put the native patriarchal clan samples in Yongjing & Puxin region onto the historical dialect region map. Inferred ethnic group attribution of those native patriarchal clan samples, and then counted the proportion of people and explain the spatial distribution characteristics among those ethnic groups and subgroups. The ancestral homes of those native patriarchal clan samples in Yongjing & Punxin region are somewhat dispersals, but they mostly belong to Raoping County. In most areas (in the southern) of Raoping county belong to Southern Min region, and only few areas (in the northern) belong to Hakka region. But some researchers treated the native patriarchal clans of Raoping offspring in Yongjing & Punsxin as Hakka. The viewpoint would make some mistakes in follow-up. Language barrier and conflict with ethnic consciousness led to category fights between the ethnic groups in historical process. With the move of time, owing to the relatively minority in numbers, the mother tongue of Hakka turned into Southern Min, and along with the ethnic consciousness to be converted. In Yongjing & Punsxin region, owing to the dominant of Raoping offspring, resulted in the mother tongue of them showing obviously characteristics of Chaoshan. The discovery of human geographical feature in academic significance is not only in Taiwan language research, but in the research ethnic group's interaction between Hakka and Southern Min in historical process.


ethnic group Hakka Changhua Yongjing Puxin spatial distribution


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