  • 期刊


A Research on the Relations among Tourism Image, Satisfaction, and Revisiting Willingness to the Audience of 2009 Taipei Deaflympics




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the model connected with tourism image, satisfaction, and revisiting willingness of 2009 Taipei Deaflympics. By the data, we could get further study about the affection of tourism image and satisfaction to revisiting willingness. Methods: The target group of this research was the audience of 2009 Taipei Deaflympics, with 423 effective questionnaires retrieved. Results: The study was to verify image, satisfaction, and revisiting willingness. It was still an acceptable model structure except for and RMSEA. By using Structural Equation Modeling, the data showed tourism image, living functions, and accommodation satisfaction in Taipei were the factors to the audience's revisiting willingness. However, the score of traffic information and transportation satisfaction were lower in this study. There was not significant correlation between tourism image aspect and revisiting willingness. It was clearly that the audience didn't consider tourism image as the main factor, they needed mediating effects to affect revisiting willingness. Conclusions: Taipei City Government should take the advantage of living functions and provide the safe and cozy accommodation quality, service, and malls nearby integration. The audience will have revisiting willingness if there are more international competition events in Taiwan. For lower traffic satisfaction in this study, the government should provide complete traffic information, road systems, signs, public transportation, parking space, appropriate arenas for competition, transportation scenery spots network around Taipei, and support service to avoid heavy traffic nearby. For tourism image has no significant correlation to revisiting willingness, the benefits of competition events should be extended, recreation environment and tourism attraction should be improved. The audiences will be attracted by unique product images and scenery spots which make them have more motivations to see competitions and stay longer to stimulate consumption. By doing so, not only Taipei but also Taiwan can be promoted to the world. The more tourists, the better financial benefits we receive. It is an opportunity to create a win-win situation between sports events and financial benefits.


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