  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship of Serious Leisure, Recreational Specialization, Flow Experience and Well-Being




The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Serious Leisure, Recreational Specialization, Flow Experience, and Well-Being. Providing surfing potential participants' considerations and promotion of non-governmental organizations. The questionnaire-based Survey of limit in this study including three parts by non-experiential participants of Taiwan, North, East, and South. To participate in Serious Leisure and Recreational Specialization features as standard sample. A total of at 400 valid questionnaires were collected with valid rate of 94.8%. Through descriptive statistics, the serious leisure significantly directly positive influence the Recreational Specialization, Flow Experience and Well-Being, The Recreational Specialization significantly directly positive influence the Flow Experience but no significant effect on Well-Being. The Flow Experience significantly directly positive influence the Well-Being. And propose the suggest for surfing group of non-governmental and recommend the researchers futural study on the participants how to produce the mental process of Well-Being after activities.


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