  • 學位論文


The Meaning of “Independent Living” to Young People Experienced Residential Care

指導教授 : 陳毓文


台灣的機構安置少年不僅同樣經歷轉銜階段,面對青春期過渡到成人的發展任務,比一般少年提早經歷成為成人的標誌事件,加上身處華人文化「自主–依賴」交錯的自立情境,過去在寄養家庭、育幼機構及中途之家等短期安置,或社區高風險、失能家庭處遇方案較少提供少年自立生活能力的準備,使其僅能在缺乏資訊與資源的情況下求存,以致於生活不穩定的情況下,勉強維持生計與自身安全。此外,在複製家族主義式照顧的機構情境中,權力與控制影響少年對於自立生活的想像,且過度代理的服務輸送忽略少年主體的參與和詮釋。因此,本研究檢視機構安置少年面對自立生活的事實時,如何重新定義與建構自立意涵,同時思考自立生活準備工作的權控關係及助人角色。 本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,透過機構介紹並徵得當事人同意後,訪談六位年齡介於十六至二十歲、接受自立生活準備服務、已結束安置及仍在安置的青少年。研究發現自立意涵的認知存在復原力菱形的三種類型、處在不同階段安置少年的自立發展轉變:順應–折衝–自立、少年自立生活需求與條件欠缺關注,以及缺權管控的自立生活準備經驗,同時根據上述研究的發現,對安置體系提出幾點建議,包括提供自立生活養成所需要的機會與經驗、完善符合自立意涵的機構安置服務,以及維持貼近自立生活現實的經濟補助與相關支援等三方面,期能提供相關單位或實務工作者,共同建構適合少年自立發展的安置環境。


All adolescents have to face the developmental tasks in transition to adulthood. As for adolescents in residential care, they not only have to experience the same transitional tasks, but to deal with the task of independence earlier than other adolescents. In Taiwan, where the Chinese culture of autonomy versus dependence has influence on the issue of independence, the meaning of independence to young people experiencing residential care might mean differently. For adolescents experienced placements, such as foster care, residential institutions, or halfway houses, few have received independent living preparation skills. Lack of trainings and resources might make them live in unstable and insecure living situations when they left the care system. In addition, the power and control in the care system might have influence the youth’s imagination of independent living. Most institutions did not involve in their youth in preparing for independent living. Therefore, this study attempts to understand how young people in residential care face the issue of leaving care, how they define the meaning of independent living, and to discuss the appropriate preparation for their independence. In this study, qualitative research designed was used. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews of 6 adolescents. They were first introduced by social workers of residential institutions, then with the consent of adolescents, personal interviews were conducted. They were between the age of 16 to 20, had been accepting the Independent Living/Leaving Care services. It’s found that to these interviewees, the idea of independent living existed in three types of the resilience diamond; placed at different developmental stages, including: adapt - conciliation – independent; lack of attention to the needs of independent living; and lack of self control right on preparing for independent living. Regarding to the findings, some suggestions were proposed to the residential care system, such as providing opportunities and experiences of independent living to develop the skills required for independence and to provide support and related economic benefits to these young people. Professionals in residential care should work together to help their youth develop independent living skills before they leave the care system.


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