  • 學位論文


Multicultural Journalism in International News Report: The Analysis of Ferguson Unrest's Report

指導教授 : 張錦華


2014年8月,美國佛格森市發生非裔美國青年麥克布朗(Michael Brown)被執勤中的白人員警射殺,繼而引發一連串抗議行動,動盪持續至2014年底。佛格森抗議行動規模、嚴重性以及持續性,使得原先甚少報導美國社會黑白衝突議題的台灣媒體,也開始跟進報導,也使得此議題大量曝光在台灣社會之中。 相對於國內新聞關注族群再現議題,在國際新聞中的族群議題再現卻未獲關注。美國本土相關研究無論以量化或是質化取徑,共通問題都是缺乏「媒體應該如何報導」的觀點。因此,本研究以「多元文化新聞四原則」作為分析架構與評判標準,以探討台灣四大報紙、網媒風傳媒以及美國紐約時報在報導佛格森事件時的表現。 研究發現,台灣媒體在彰顯主體性、增加報導深度、多面向與平衡,以及提供正向觀點的報導上,仍然有待改進。值得肯定的是,在提供深度報導方面,網路媒體風傳媒有達到較好的表現,而自由時報在避免負面標籤上也有部分值得稱許的表現。紐約時報報導佛格森事件的表現與策略,則值得作為台灣媒體參考的借鏡。


The 2014 Ferguson unrest in America begins with the death of a young, unarmed African-American Michael Brown, who was shot by a police officer on his way to grandmother’s house. Brown’s death triggers a series of protest in Ferguson, and the situation soon became more and more intense. The news media in Taiwan covered the whole incidents for 6 months, it was the first time the conflicts between the white and the black community in America being discussed so frequently among Taiwan’s media. Previous researches have focused on the representation of minority or disadvantaged group inside the country, but none has discussed how news media cover racial conflict happened in foreign countries. This research focused on how Taiwan’s news media cover the foreign racial conflicts incident based on the view and principles of multicultural journalism. Analysis shows that, based on the principles of multicultural journalism, Internet media Storm Media provides more in-depth coverage than other newspapers, and Liberty Times manages to do the reporting without racial discrimination. However, Taiwan media should improve subjectivity of the local community residents in the news coverage, increase in-depth and balanced reporting, and do more positive reporting about the Ferguson protest. At the same time, Taiwan media could take the New York Times coverage on Ferguson incident as an example of how to produce a better multicultural new reporting.


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