  • 學位論文


The Study of apparal Brand Business Strategy of Japanese -A Case of tutuanna Brand Cloth

指導教授 : 林江峰
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


服飾為民生必需品,消費者在選購服飾商品時會日本服飾品牌是國際中顯為知名的,由最早的紡織業慢慢轉型為擁有自有品牌的服飾業,首先,由此研究了解日本服飾品牌的發展與概況,在競爭激烈的服飾產業中,服飾企業如何與競爭者競爭,選出對自己最有利的行銷策略以及商品其中遭遇那些困境,最後擁有一個穩固的服飾品牌之架構。此研究運用優衣庫(UNIQLO)、無印良品(MUJI)以及萬星威(MUNSINGWEAR)三大品牌為公司,使用其公司之經營模式與策略,了解服飾品牌成功之因素。   本論文使用個案研究法與文獻探討法來針對個案公司tutuanna進行探討研究,從中採用標竿公司之經營策略給予個案公司建議,以利個案公司成功打造品牌知名度以及轉型為完全的服飾品牌企業。


tutuanna UNIQLO 無印良品 萬星威 品牌 服飾


Clothing is daily necessity. Japanese clothing brands which transformed themselves from textile industry to clothing companies with their own brands are obviously reputable around the world. First of all, this research represents the development and situations of those Japanese clothing brands. Then, it studies how they stand out from other competitors and overcome the obstacles in this furiously competitive market by coming up with advantageous marketing strategies and products. Finally, a stable and frim structure of a clothing brand was established. This research analyzes business model and strategies of three remarkable clothing brands – UNIQLO, MUJI, MUNSINGWEAR and then finds out the factors for the success of a well-known clothing brand. Case study and literature review are the research methods applied. A case company – tutuanna is chosen as the case company for the research. Effective business strategies from benchmarking companies are provided to the case company. Those suggestions and recommendations are favorable for building up high reputation of brand and transforming into a clothing company.


tutuanna UNIQLO MUJI MUNSINGWEAR brand cothing


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