  • 學位論文


A Study on Reconstruction of Urban Waterfront from Urban Marketing Viewpoint–the Case of Peripheral around Kaohsiung Harber

指導教授 : 宋立垚


高雄市西面臨海,在高雄港近年來運輸功能比重降低後,高雄港區周邊所釋出的閒置空間在高雄市政府著手規畫下,逐漸讓以往市民無法接觸到的港域空間變成了兼具休閒與觀光功能的市民後花園,因此水岸空間不但成為了高雄市民日常生活中的一部分,也變成了觀光客來到高雄必定來拜訪的旅遊景點,更使得高雄市終於徹底展現出海洋都市的意象。 在二十一世紀當中,城市的觀光與休閒策略早已不是單一景點所能操作,而是整體區域行銷的時代;近來世界各地的水岸城市早已開始施行整體水岸區域的行銷規劃,除了在實質環境的改善成果中見到顯著的成效之外,更能提高城市國際知名度和促進整體水岸區域發展;尤其高雄市政府在近年來極力實現市港合一的藍圖,而高雄港域又鄰近於高雄市市區中心,所以,如何將高雄港域周邊空間結合周邊市區資源以都市行銷的方式朔造一個完整的水岸休閒區域將會是未來高雄市在城市競爭市場中的主要發展目標。 因此,本研究將統計近年來高雄市政府和其他相關單位所執行的都市行銷通路和策略作為本研究的基礎資料,再依據本研究從文獻中所整理出“都市行銷三大策略類型”進行分類,同時藉由本研究之行銷效益、行銷吸引力和空間設施滿意度之問卷統計結果,便可得知“高雄港”這個“品牌”從都市行銷通路和策略對應到“消費者”所接受到的類型比率、吸引力、使用目的和水岸空間設施再造滿意度之間的相互關係和其效益,等於是試圖利用高雄港這個“品牌”和各個碼頭實質空間“產品”從行銷執行策略、消費者接受管道、消費者吸引力、消費目的和消費滿意度(再次消費的意願)將都市行銷和水岸間再造效益作一系列的檢定。 最後,由上述之一系列檢定得到之研究發現和本研究之訪談結果做一綜合性的探討,並提出高雄港在行銷執行、行銷策略、水岸空間設施和整體水岸發展四大主題的課題與策略,藉此以提供高雄港相關單位在未來進行行銷及實質空間作業時,能夠有個發展目標的參考依據。


West Kaohsiung City faces the ocean. In recent years, under the planning of Kaohsiung City Government, the vacant space around the harbor area that the citizens could not get in touch before has gradually become the back yard garden with recreation and tourism functions after the transportation function has decreased. Therefore, the waterfront area not only becomes a part of Kaohsiung citizens’ daily life, but also becomes an attraction where the tourists must visit. Kaohsiung City finally appears the image of ocean city. In 21 century, a city’s tourism and recreation policies can’t be performed by single attraction. In fact, it is the time of integrate area marketing. Recently, the water bank cities around the world have begun marketing planning around the whole waterfront area. The prominent effects can’t only be seen in the improvement of substance surroundings; what’s more, it can increase international popularity and promote general waterfront area development. Especially, Kaohsiung City Government makes efforts to realize the blueprint of city-harbor integration. Kaohsiung Harbor area is close to the downtown area, so how to integrate the harbor area with surrounding city resources and create a complete waterfront recreation area with urban marketing will be the main development target in cities’ competing market. Therefore, the research will add up the marketing channels and strategies perform by Kaohsiung City Government and other related units as the basic data of this research. Then, start classifying from the “three major strategies of urban marketing” that we sorted out from the literatures. Also, according to the results of the questionnaires of marketing effects, marketing attractions, and the satisfaction of space facilities, we learn the relation and the effects of the “brand” of “Kaohsiung Harbor” from urban marketing channels and strategies correspondence to the types, attractiveness, purposes, and waterfront area rebuilt satisfaction accepted by the “consumers.” This means using the “brand” of Kaohsiung Harbor and the actual space “products” of each pier to make a series examinations of urban marketing and waterfront rebuilt effect with marketing strategies, consumer channel, attraction, purposes, and satisfaction (the intention to re-consume). Finally, we make a general discussion from the findings of preceding serial examinations and the interview results of the research. We propose tasks and strategies for four major themes: marketing execution, marketing strategies, waterfront area facilities, and integrate waterfront development, for authorities of Kaohsiung Harbor can have references in development goal in future marketing and actual space performance.


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