  • 學位論文

電子零組件供應商之顧客關係研究 -- 以 M 公司為例

A Study of Customer Relationship of the Electrics Component Supplier -- M Company as an Example

指導教授 : 邱垂昱 博士


本論文主要是探討顧客對原廠電子零組件供應商的滿意程度。透過這個研究,使更了解顧客關係之維持,並將結果提供給供應商與代理商為改善服務品質的方向,善用其之間的夥伴關係並肩合作,持續提高顧客的滿意度。 以Microchip Technology Inc在台灣服務據點所提供的服務為研究標的,利用狩野模型之研究方法來分析顧客對其所提供之產品及服務的滿意度,並延伸研究結果以作為其他相關銷售服務中心、供應商及研究之參考改進。 研究結論簡述以下四點: 1. 主要的服務品質屬性是一元品質,表示顧客對服務品質的要求還是做得越多就越滿意。 2. 顧客對服務品質的滿意度主要是落在第四象限,唯獨產品使用者顧客對服務品質的滿意矩陣,34個問項在全部四個象限中都有出現,關鍵管理品質屬性項目是訂單處理的速度小於2天、銷售人員問題回覆的速度小於2天、客戶所在地有當地FAE技術人員的即時服務和技術人員問題回覆的速度小於2天。 3. 產品使用者顧客回應產品主要品質屬性是無差異品質,代理商回應產品主要品質屬性是魅力品質。二組對象回應的差異是因為夥伴關係的因素。 4. 現階段大陸地區與台灣顧客最大的不同是,在技術服務上,大陸地區顧客需要完整的設計支援。


This thesis is focus on the customer satisfaction study for electrical component supplier. Refer to the result will know better for maintaining customer relationship. And the study result will provide the suppliers and the distributors to improve the direction for their service quality. The good manage the partnership between the suppliers and the distributors and cooperate to improve customer’s satisfaction continuously. The research applies Kano model for the customer satisfaction study of the product and service from the sales office in Microchip Taiwan. From the study, the result could be shared with other sales offices, even more it also could be referred by the other suppliers for future improvement and study. The results of study were summary as following: 1. The major service quality characteristic is “one-dimension” quality. It means that customers still request the service for doing more is better 2. Customer responses to the most items of service quality are on the 4th quadrant of customer satisfaction matrix. The only different is the one of product used customer. Totally 34 items are shown on all 4 quadrants. The customer key quality characteristics are order process time within 2 days, the question e-mail response time within 2 days by sales, there is local FAE supports in time and the question e-mail response time within 2 days by FAE. 3. The major quality characteristic of product quality from the product used customers is “Indifferent quality”. Meanwhile, the major quality characteristic of product quality from distributors is “Attractive quality”. The partnership is the reason why the different response of product quality from the two groups. 4. Currently, the most difference of customer requirement between Taiwan and China is China customers will need completed design supports. Under the fast growing market and changing requirement, the partners of supplier and distributor must co-work closely. It is the only way to win the business together.


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