  • 學位論文


A Study on the Correlation between Infant Based Childcare Policy and Parents Childcare Demand

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


摘要 我國在少子化的嚴峻考驗下人口成長率日益衰退,政府於2009年三月制定了人口政策白皮書,以2016年提升總生育率至1.6為主要政策目標之一。研究者從雙薪家庭的托育需求層面來審視檢討政府現有相關托育政策與家庭生育支持的相關程度,並提出相關政策建議。 研究者採取質性研究的概念,以半結構式深度訪談為形式,以桃園為區域範圍,共訪談九對夫妻,十八位受訪者。訪談對象以生育子女數兩位以內的家庭為主,家庭結構則涵蓋雙薪家庭,及具家庭主婦之單薪家庭。惟訪談對象均為受教育程度偏高的家庭,經濟收入也為中等以上,對於抽樣的完整性及普遍性仍有不足,此為研究上的限制。 研究者發現女性主義的興起與經濟壓力是婦女走出家庭進入職場的重要因素,政府將制定之相關政策如多幼托整合、兒照法等多仍出於整合概念,而未有突破性新思惟或果決做法。現有多數托育支持政策也偏向殘補式而非全民式,對於鼓勵家庭生育或安心托育並無實質幫助。研究者認為,取決於非福利國家的財政考量,政府應決定單一面向的政策定位,以鼓勵女性就業,提供安心托育環境為政策主軸,並提升國民專業托育認知,以期能落實人口政策白皮書中的生育率目標。


Abstract Taiwan’s population growth rate is declining day by day as a result of a decline in the number of children per family. Our government had published a population policy white paper in March 2009 for the objective of raising the total fertility rate to 1.6 by 2016. This study is intended to examine the correlation between the current childcare related policy and the family planning support from the perspective of the childcare demand of double-income family, and then put forward some constructive suggestions. This study is to conduct a semi-structured in-depth interview by adopting qualitative research concept that focuses on 9 couples (18 persons) in Taoyuan area who have no more than 2 children, and are either double-income families or housewife based one-income family. This study, focusing the interviewees on those with a higher education level and middle-income family, may cause its inadequacy in sampling completeness and universality. The findings of this study have been discovered that the key factors of the rise of feminism and the economical stress led to a woman leaving her housewife life for the job market. The related policies drawn up by our government, such as childcare integration, child education and childcare based laws, mostly originate in the integration concept that are neither a breakthrough idea nor a definitive course. In addition, most of current policies supporting childcare related needs incline to a temporary needed supplement, not an overall deliberate planning that are not substantial help in encouraging people’s fertility or relieving them in childcare. The conclusion of this study was drawn that the government of a non-welfare country, depending on its financial consideration, should develop a unidirectional policy with its main theme orientated at encouraging women to fling themselves into the job market based on a soothing childcare environment supported by the government’s policy, and further to heighten people’s professional childcare related knowledge in order to attain the targeted fertility rate stated in the population policy white paper.




