  • 學位論文

QC 080000 產品實現過程如何展現符合RoHS要求– 以微機電公司為例

Meeting RoHS Requirement in QC 080000 Product Realization Process – An example of MEMS Company

指導教授 : 朱詣尹 博士


面對綠色環保議題之來臨,除尋求原物料的替代及技術之引進外,仍須建制一套符合RoHS要求有效之”有害物質管理系統”,運用QC 080000在產品實現過程針對產品及製程中之有害物質進行管理,確實達成”無有害物質”之目標,進而取得客戶信任、縮短客戶對供應商稽核時間、提高企業的競爭力和競爭優勢、降低貿易障礙,甚而擴展市場規模。 本研究主要目的為避免未來產品出問題在法律上無法佐證需要負擔法律上的罰則,公司應該如何建立一套以QC 080000管理系統為基礎之”RoHS有害物質管理系統”,從原物料/零組件管控、供應鏈管理、持續關注法規變更、建立”產品環境風險資料庫”、生產產品經過測試等”盡職免責”(Due Diligence)方式證明公司產品符合RoHS法令要求,這樣公司的綠色產品中含有有害物質比例風險性比較低,達到符合國際或客戶之綠色產品要求。 本研究藉由文獻與個案分析討論企業如何去建立一套”RoHS有害物質管理系統”,來滿足國際或客戶綠色產品要求,透過以QC 080000為基礎的”RoHS有害物質管理系統”,產出”產品環境風險資料庫”和產品實現過程中控管重點,達到降低不符合綠色產品的風險。即使用於不同產業,只要能找出產業和技術差異部分來加以控管,應可以有效縮短公司在綠色產品管理系統上的建置時間。 藉由個案分析討論採用”產品環境風險資料庫”進行有害物質風險控管的好處,在於不同國家公告RoHS有害物質項目時,可以迅速反應出那些原物料/零組件須重予檢測,減少公司重覆測試成本支出及有效縮短符合要求時間,提早符合客戶綠色產品要求。


In dealing with environment protection issues and becoming “greener”, electronic product manufacturers need a set of effective “Hazardous Substance Management System”. Implementing such system is one of the top priorities of any business nowadays. With this system, we can not only monitor and control the hazardous substance produced during production process and reach the goal of “zero hazardous substance”, but also increase the enterprise competitiveness, and expand market scales. The goal of this research is to study the ways to avoid suffering from the legal penalties for not complying with applicable laws, by monitoring and controlling raw material, managing supply chain, be if informed with related regulation changes, and building up product and raw material/component database. Management system is set up for the Products to undergo tests to prove they are in compliance with RoHS requirements. In this way, the risks for the claimed product to contain hazardous substance can be dramatically lowered. It is strongly suggested that companies should fulfill their “due diligence” by acquiring QC 080000 quality system and make the products pass examination tests to minimize risks and meet the international green product requirements. This research shows how a medium-size MEMS company can build a set of QC 080000 management system and satisfies the requirements of customer or internationally recognized green products. By using the “RoHS Hazardous Substance Management System” based on QC 080000, the “Product Environment Risk Database” can be created and process set up for the monitoring and controlling critical points to lower the management risks of the green products. For different industry, as long as the industry and technology differences are identified and the system modified accordingly, the setup time for green product management can be effectively reduced. The advantage of using “Product Environment Risk Database” in controlling hazardous substance is that the raw materials/components in need of reexamination will be highlighted when RoHS is updated and the lead time and cost can be effectively reduced.


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