  • 學位論文


The Creation of Electronic Comic Book

指導教授 : 瓦歷斯‧拉拜


漫畫從1940年代被歧視,到今日已成為不可忽視的流行文化。從民間、學校到政府,有越來越多人對漫畫的看法持肯定或鼓勵的態度,電視、電腦、網路等電子媒介更為漫畫帶來新生命,電子書特殊的閱聽型態及對讀者的影響也逐漸受到重視。但因為電子漫畫書才剛開始在台灣發展,較市面上一般的電子書表現遜色了不少。回到出版品最初分享資訊的精神,網路是一個很淋漓盡致的平台,也是電子讀者最主要的使用管道。 電子漫畫與讀者的關係除了漫畫本身的吸引力,更包含了情境的要素,只有當閱讀過程中獲得滿足,漫畫的使用才會繼續。而電子書是以實體書的模仿為發展方向,讓讀者覺得閱讀方式貼近實體書籍,同時又能保有電子書多媒體和超文本的分享特性。於是本創作歸納出電子漫畫介面的構成元素及設計原則,並對國內外三個網路電子書案例進行分析。 創作部份,為確保在每一種平台都可順利閱讀,使用HTML的基礎網頁技術為主軸,並以讀取速度為設計導向。文本結合超文本的閱讀特性和六度分離理論,創作出兩個互有暗示性關係的故事,搭配開放性的結局,與影像互動之間的蒙太奇手法,讓讀者自行推敲出故事的真實架構。未來軟硬體的發展和相容性還會持續進步,傳統紙本漫畫長久發展以來累積而成的閱讀習性和模式,卻可能是電子漫畫未來最大的敵人。未來還可再對於市場狀況和串聯架構方式進行深入探討。


電子漫畫書 電子書 漫畫 超文本


The cartoon is discriminated against from 1940, has become the noticeable pop culture today. More and more people’s viewpoints and attitudes of comic books is approved and encouraged. Television, Computer, Internet and many Electronic media are also bringing the new life to comic books. The special reading mode and effect upon the reader of electronic books are gradually taken seriously. But electronic comic book just starts in Taiwan in these years, it worse than the other electronic books out in the market. Back to the original intention of sharing information from publication, internet is the most serviceable policy and commonly used way by electronic readers. The relation between electronic comic books and reader except comic’s attraction, it includes the situation. Only when satisfied during the reading processes the comic readers will keep reading. Electronic book is taken the real book imitation as the development direction, let the readers feel like real books and maintained of electronic books characteristic by multimedia and hypertext. Therefore, the literary discussion generalizes about the constitution element of electronic comic book interface and design Principles, and analysis by three cases in world. In creation part, used HTML the foundation homepage technology to guaranteed that may read smoothly in each kind of platform and take reading speed as design guidance. Union the reading mode of hypertext and six degrees of separation, creative two stories insinuated mutually relationship, with openness outcome and Montage of image interaction, let readers to inference the real construction of story by themselves. The development and compatibility of software and hardware will have great improvements in the future, but the reading mode during comic book long time development still may became the enemy of electronic comic books. In other aspects, market condition and techniques of electronic book construction may discuss the course or the difficult position thoroughly.



