  • 學位論文


A Research of Huashan 1914‧Creative Park Construction and Development

指導教授 : 夏學理


創意文化園區起源於1980年,歐美各主要都市都將此列為都市再生政策之規劃重點,並促使閒置空間能夠再次利用。在世界各國皆致力發展文化創意產業之時,臺灣政府自2002年起,由行政院所提出的「挑戰2008 - 國家發展重點計畫(2002-2007)」中,開始重視文化創意產業發展的環境,並將創意文化園區列入國家文化政策之中,文化創意產業首次被列入十大重點計畫中。 繼挑戰2008計畫後,2009年2月初,行政院成立了跨部會的文化創意產業推動小組。而行政院並於2009年5月14日前通過「六大新興產業」之「文化創意產業發展方案」,包含「環境整備」與「旗艦計畫」兩大主軸,創意文化園區的建設與經營被列為此次重要計畫,可看出創意文化園區的發展持續被重視。 目前創意文化園區已從文創一期計畫進入文創二期計畫,其中,華山1914‧創意文化園區為五大園區中有持續發展與推動相關計畫之重點區域,可謂五大園區之首。而在國家政策有計畫性的執行與推動之下,華山1914‧創意文化園區是否有符合文化創意產業政策規畫之軸心概念。本研究將就華山1914‧創意文化園區之發展歷程,以及執行情形逐一檢視,並研究其與文化創意產業發展政策之關聯性,檢視華山1914‧創意文化園區發展的矛盾與困境。研究目的在於了解華山1914‧創意文化園區發展歷程及衍生問題,探討問題相關的解決方案,做為未來其他園區及相關政策推動、研究之參考。 本研究首先進行相關文獻之分析探討,並藉由初級、次級資料之收集,以及深度訪談後的訪談整理,得出本研究結論:(一)創意文化園區規劃多年,但發展緩慢、(二)相關政策法令的制訂,應加速立法、(三)文建會需增加政策執行力,並做好園區溝通之橋梁。根據研究結論提出的研究建議包括:(一)重新檢討創意文化園區發展性,或另闢新的創意文化園區、(二)與地方政府產生聯結,加強民眾政策之宣導、(三)是否適用其他經營方式、(四) 華山1914‧創意文化園區與松山菸廠未來競合的關係。


The origin of Cultural and Creative Industrial Park dates back to 1980. Major European cities and their American counterparts have long considered the Parks as the focus of urban regeneration policies and promoted the reuse of abandoned spaces. Countries around the world have committed to develop their Cultural and Creative Industry. In 2002, the Taiwanese government joined the trend by launching the project “Challenge 2008—the Six-year National Development Plan (2002-2007),” proposed by the Executive Yuan. Since then the Taiwanese government has placed greater emphasis on providing favorable environments to assist the development of Cultural and Creative Industry, which was also included in Taiwan’s cultural policies. For the first time in Taiwanese history the Cultural and Creative Industrial Park is listed among the Top Ten Development Projects. After the project “Challenge 2008—the Six-year National Development Plan” came a cross-Ministry promotional group for the Cultural and Creative Industry, established by the Executive Yuan in early February, 2009. On May 14 the same year, the Executive Yuan passed the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Plan as one of the policies for the six key emerging industries. The Plan includes two main features: creating the right environment and the flagship plans. The construction and operation of the Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks are among the top priorities of the Development Plan, which is a proof of the government’s continued emphasis on developing Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks. The Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks are currently in the Second Stage of Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion after completing the First Stage. Among the Five Creative Parks, Huashan 1914 Creative Park is considered a key area that leads with continued development of and promotion of related projects within the Park. However, with planned implementation and promotion of national policies, whether Huashan 1914 Creative Park meets the core concepts of policy formulation for the Cultural Creative Industry remains a subject of discussion. This paper will examine the development of Huashan 1914 Creative Park, its operation and the correlation between the Park and policies for the development of the Cultural and Creative Industry. This paper will also examine the contradictions and dilemmas facing the Huashan 1914 Creative Park. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the Park development and the problems derived thereof. Last but not least, this paper will explore possible solutions to the problems as a reference for the promotion and study of other Parks and policies in the future. This paper begins with a literature review. Based on a collection of both primary and secondary data, as well as a compilation of materials obtained from in-depth interviews, the paper presents the following conclusions: 1. Although the process has been ongoing for many years, the planning of Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks is slow. 2. Better efficiency is needed for the legislation process of related policies and laws. 3. The Council for Cultural Affairs needs to step up the implementation of policies and play an active role in bridging communication between different creative parks. Based on the above-mentioned conclusions, the paper offers the following suggestions for future research: 1. Review the prospect of developing Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks, or whether new Parks need to be created. 2. Establish connections with local authorities and educate the public about policy issues. 3. Determine whether other modes of operations can be applied to the parks. 4. Discuss future competition and cooperation between Huashan 1914 Creative Park and Songshan Tobacco Factory.


鄭美華(2007)。〈兩岸文化治理之比較分析 – 推動文化創意產業政策觀點〉,《通識研究集刊》,第13期,頁101-130。


