  • 學位論文


A Study on the Mid and Late Life Adjustment for Taiwan’s Women

指導教授 : 李美玲


本文以行政院衛生署國民健康局「1999年台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」為研究資料來源,主要針對台灣地區50歲以上中老年女性為研究對象,研究旨在分析台灣中老年女性個人背景特性、生活資源特性、工作與非工作經歷對活適應之自評健康、心理抑鬱、生活滿意度、社會支持、經濟安全五大層面的影響,瞭解中老年女性身、心、生活、社會、經濟狀況。 研究結果發現「個人背景特性」中之年齡、教育、婚姻、族群、宗教、居住型態、子女數、手足數、日常生活活動(ADL)、工具性日常生活(IADL)困難數與生活適應之各層面有顯著相關。「生活資源特性」中之個人保險數、收入來源、年收入、資產總值、社會福利資源使用、參與休閒與社團數的多寡與生活適應之各層面有顯著相關。「工作與否之經歷」變項中之工作與非工作工作生活經歷、動機與生活適應之各層面有顯著相關。「工作與否之經歷」變項與生活資源特性之保險數、收入來源、總收入、社會福利資源使用、參與休閒與社團數有顯著相關。 隨著年齡增長、受教育程度愈高、客家族群、信奉佛教、道教、居住型態為與配偶同住者、子女數多、手足數多、擁有保險數愈多(有其他個人保險資源) 、年收入愈多、收入來源為子女提供、有個人資產、有利用社會福利資源、能夠參與休閒與社團活動者。幫家中生意或農事者、工作的動機中,有動機的持續工作或安排退休者包括興趣、經濟興趣兩因素者、家庭管理者、無工作者;具備這些特質條件的女性,在其生活上展現主動與積極的一面,重視健康,積極參與社會活動,其獲得週遭人的關心與社會支持較多,少有孤獨感與憂鬱情況的發生、個人自覺經濟狀況不錯,對中老年身心、社會支持、經濟適應上愈佳,面對生活壓力的調適,能有較佳的處理能力與應變措施。 無偶、獨居者、其他少數族群(除閩南人、客家人、外省人)、工具性日常生活活動 (IADL)、日常生活活動(ADL) 困難數愈多、無收入或需社會救濟者、收入為其他來源者(非自己、子女提供)、家庭管理者或無工作者、使用社會福利資源者。結果分析發現這些特質的女性,對中老年生活適應之「健康、心理、生活滿意度、社會支持、經濟安全」影響較嚴重,面對生活上無力抵抗的壓力、無法怯除存在的問題與適應壓力,也許是個人背景或資源累積、生活際遇的不同,造成這些弱勢族群的女性一直處於適應失調的狀態,建議政府及相關單位對居弱勢的族群應多給予關懷、協助,家庭亦應負起相關責任,以期中老年人婦女的生活皆能達到最佳的適應狀態。


The research is based on “The research data of long-term survey of middle and old age people physical and metal status in Taiwan in 1999” from Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C (Taiwan). The research target is women over 50 years old and living in Taiwan. In order to investigate their mental, physical, social and financial status, statistic modules are used to analyze the factors affecting their living adoption in terms of their backgrounds, living resource and working status. This research found that, from the viewpoint of personal background and characteristics, the significant factors relevant to a successful living adoption are ages, education level, marriage status, ethnic groups, religion, living environment, number of children, number of siblings, and activities in ordinary life. From the viewpoint of living resource, the significant factors are number of insurance, income source, salary, total properties, usage of social welfare resource, number of involved leisure and social associations. From the viewpoint of having working experience, the significant factors are the number of insurance, income source, total income, usage of social welfare resource and the number of involved leisure and social associations. The women with the following characteristics are more active on social activities and pay attention on their health. They receive more care and society support. They also hardly feel lonely and depressed. Their financial status is fine in their mid and late ages. The characteristics include higher education, Hakka ethnicity, Buddhist on Taoist, living with couples, having a number of children, having insurance, high income, assistance from children, having personal properties, usage of social resource, joining in social association and leisure activities,self-employed or farmers, and having motivation for continuous work. The characteristics of the women which seriously affect their adjustment in their mid and old age are having no couple, living alone, being part of minor ethnic groups (such as Fukien, Hakka, mainlanders), having uniform ordinary living activities, having no income. In addition, these women also include those who required social welfare resource and having income from the resource other than their children. Moreover, housewives and women without work are also included. These women feel so helpless when facing living pressure, and are lack of ability to solve problems and pressure raised from life . It is assumed that these phenomena happen due to their background, resource accumulation and chances in their life. It is advised that government and social organizations can provide these women more care and support. Nevertheless that families should take the responsibility.


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