  • 學位論文


The study on competitive strategies of the ages' residential care homes

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 楊立人


隨著迎接高齡化社會的來臨,銀髮族對於住宅服務的需求越趨升高,本研究之主要目的在研究住宅型之安養機構其經營競爭策略,以期能找出老人安養機構經營競爭策略之類型,本研究採用個案深入訪談之方式,訪問業界之四家管理者,此四家安養機構分別為:潤福生活新象、聖恩全生涯事業、頤苑安養中心與長庚養生文化村,將所得資料分析研究出未來老人安養機構經營競爭之策略類型,期能作為未來老人安養機構經營者與政府政策制定之參考。 本研究對於安養機構目前採行之經營競爭策略之結論如下: 1.專門化策略:有明顯的客層區隔,針對不同的客源,如此能在其所屬的專門領域裡取得經營優勢。 2.優良的服務團隊:高齡者之特殊心理需求是被呵護與關懷重視的,優良的服務團隊將會使入住者產生顧客忠誠,進而產生良好口碑傳播。 3.專業醫療的延伸體系:高齡者對醫療保健的大量需求,將使有專業醫療背景的經營團隊更具有競爭力。 4.低價策略:針對中低經濟能力的高齡者,提供較具誘因低價的住宅服務。 5.品牌行銷策略:高齡者對品牌的認知將會直接影響其所經營的安養機構。 6.公關行銷策略:利用公關行銷手法塑造良好形象,增加安養機構的曝光率,便可增加顧客選擇入住的機會。


As the aging population in the Taiwan has been beyond 9.72%, so the demand for the aging residential care homes is increasing. The focus of this thesis is to study the competition strategies of the aging residential care home and conclude the competitive strategies’ types which they are using. This study adopts the method of interview with some managers of the products of the aging residential care homes and try to analyze the all key success factors of management in order to get much more profit in the future. In this study, we have interviewed 4 companies such as Ruen Fu Newlife Corp, Sheng-En Company, I-Yuan senior care center, and Chang Gung Memorial health culture center which can be labeled as benchmarks of companies that provide the aging residential care homes. We use semi-structure questionnaire to explore the strategies they had used and try to find out the main types that indeed are effective in practice. After the deep interview and data-analysis, we have the conclusions as following: The competition strategies of the aging residential care homes may have the different types like as: 1.The first type is focus strategy. Using the segmentation, target and positioning to be the competitive strategies. 2.The type of professional team workers strategy which can create the loyalty of the aging. 3.The strategy of the ascendancy on the extended healthy and the medical care technology in order to satisfy the aging health needs. 4.The type of cost leadership strategy in order to satisfy the aging whose incomes have been below the average level. 5.The type of the brand equity strategy which means the image of the brand will increase the aging residential care home’s well-knowingness and credit. 6.The last type of strategy is public relation strategy which can create the good image and increase the evaluation rank of the aging residential care home.


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