  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 高強華博士


中 文 摘 要 本研究的主要目的,在於瞭解教師對創新教學的概念及專業能力的表現,建構教師創新教學所需的能力及解析其與創意能力的關係,並探討教師創新教學所感受的環境,及所需要的支持為何,並依據結論提出有關教師創新的建議。 為達成上述目的,本研究於2002年3月至2003年6月間,採用文獻分析法、訪談調查法及問卷調查法進行研究。首先進行文獻分析,以瞭解創新教學、教學設計及教師專業的內涵,並探討教師設定的教學目標、有效教學、教學設計、班級經營、創新教學等相關概念的理論和文獻,其次依據文獻分析結果,編擬「國民中學教師創新教學專業表現問卷」做為調查工具。在進行調查研究時,以台北市公立國民中學為母群體,採「二階段抽樣」的方式,抽取42所國民中學,共920位主任、組長、班級導師、專任教師做為樣本,問卷回收647份,回收率70.3%,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷為591份,可用率為64.2%,問卷資料處理採SPSS10.0中文視窗版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 根據文獻分析及調查研究的結果,綜合歸納為以下結論: 一、 教師對學生創意的評估(M=3.04)還高於教師對自己在教學上創意的評估(M=2.93),可見教師急需加強創意方面的能力。 二、 在本研究中,建構十五項指標來分析創意能力,而教師在各項指標上的平均值為3.70,但自評在教學上的創意低於此值,可見教師在創意上的自信不足。 三、 教師自評教學創意與教師評估學生的創意具有顯著的中度相關,各項教學創意能力中以「教師認為在教學上能想出不同於他人的教學方法」的獨創能力,是最適合用以推論教師教學創意自信的指標。 四、 自評愈有創意的教師愈以學生為中心設計教學,重視激發學生興趣、師生有創意、與學生的生活經驗結合、提出引起學生興趣的問題、能有新鮮有趣的活動讓學生發展多元智能、學會學習的方法、對學生未來有幫助;反之,重視上課秩序、對升學有幫助、完成教學進度、按照教科書內容教學、嚴格要求成績、常考試以刺激學生唸書,是自評創意較低的教師較重視的因素。 五、 教師在創新教學的概念上,傾向「可達到更好教學效果的教學方法」、「教師在教學中使用了創意的技巧」及「教師使用新的概念來教學」等概念,除此之外,愈有創意的教師還注意提昇學生的注意力;而自評為非常有創意教師認為創新教學為「將傳統的教學做了一些改變」、「教學過程的師生互動輕鬆而有趣」及「教師在教學中使用了創意的技巧」。教師認為最有助於創新教學的因素是「同儕的彼此協助」;最有礙教學創新的因素是「來不及教完進度」及「家長只重視學生的成績」。 六、 影響教師自評教學創意的背景因素為「年齡」與「任教年資」:「30歲以下」教師的教學創意自信明顯高於「40-49歲」的教師;而「任教5年以下」教師的教學創意自信明顯高於「任教16-30年」的教師,其餘均無顯著之差異。 另外本研究亦對教師、學校、教育行政機關及後續研究提出若干建議。


A Study of Professional Performance on Innovation Instruction in Junior High School Abstract This research aims to understand teachers’ conception of innovation instruction and performance of professional in junior high school, to construct the ability for innovation instruction and find the relation between it and creativity, and to confer the circumstance and support for teachers’ innovation teaching. Finally some suggestions for teachers, school, and authorities to innovate their instruction are given. For those purposes, documentary analysis, interview survey research and questionnaire survey research are utilized in the research. Those surveys are carried out from April to June in 2003. The research objects are 591 junior high school teachers. The data are analyzed by statistics methods such as means, percentage, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The major results are summarized as follows: 1. The evaluation of students’ creativity by teacher is higher than the evaluation of teachers’ teaching innovation by themselves. 2. 15 indexes are constructed to analyze teachers’ creativity in teaching, and to find that teachers are not confident enough. 3. The evaluation of students’ creativity by teacher are related to that of teachers’ teaching innovation. If someone wants to know teachers’ confidence, the best way is to ask ”Can you think any different teaching way in class?” 4. The creative teachers make student-centered instruction. They emphasize inspiring students’ interests, getting united with students’ experience, asking questions to bring up students’ interest, developing multiple intelligences, and learning the learning strategies. The teachers with less creativity focus on the order of class, being able to enter a senior high school, achieving percentage of syllabus, following a textbook, requesting good achievements, and asking students to get good grades by hard study. 5. “Reaching a better outcome in teaching”, ”performing a creative skills”, and “using new instructional concept” are thought of as innovation instructions. In addition, teachers with creativity try hard to make students get involved in class. Teachers find that the most helpful factor in innovation teaching is “colleagues help each other”, while the most harmful factor is “There’s not enough time to finish syllabus. ” and “Parents attach importance to scores only.” 6. The factors to influence teachers on evaluating innovation instruction are “ages” and “teaching period”. We also look forward to having more researches on this topic in the future.




