  • 學位論文


Effects of Restorative Justice on Victim's Harm in Atayal Community

指導教授 : 許春金


文獻指出修復式正義的協商會議對於被害者復原與心理支持可提供顯著的功效,而日據時期日人對台灣原住民的研究顯示,泰雅族部落有採取類似修復式正義方式,對部落間或部落內的衝突進行調解,類似澳洲、加拿大、紐西蘭原住民社區所採行的傳統機制。 有鑒於原住民經濟與文化的弱勢性,以及數據顯示涉入犯罪比例高過人口比例,本研究希望以尊重不同文化的角度,深入泰雅社區瞭解其今日解決衝突的模式。並以修復式正義的觀點對其模式內涵進行檢驗,分析對於被害者損害的影響情形,期望知悉修復式正義對於支持被害者方面的成效。因此,本研究目的有:(一)瞭解泰雅族社區實施修復式正義的可能模式。(二)分析修復式正義會議對被害者損害之影響。(三)就上述研究結果,提出刑事政策未來方向之建議。 本研究首先以滾雪球方式與文獻分析中得知可能主導修復式協商之對象,進行焦點團體會談瞭解現行的協商會議模式。接著,再以滾雪球方式尋找六位曾進行協商之案件被害者,以及五位主導協商之公正第三人,以預先擬定之半開放性訪談大綱進行個別訪談瞭解處理模式;並於訪談中,輔以七分量表,請被害者對衝突事件前後自身損害的程度勾選意見。最後,依據研究的目的,以分析者三角校正方式進行資料的整理與分析。 最後,本研究發現目前泰雅族社區仍存有過去的衝突解決模式,且其內涵確實符合修復式正義精神,惟其模式不同以往,具有多樣性型態,依參與者身分可分為:當事人進行模式、家族內部會議模式及社區協調模式三類。無論何種模式,在降低被害者損害上皆具有顯著的功效,且受訪者皆滿意於和解的處理過程。損害降低成效上又以「精神心理傷害」、「加害者道歉真誠度」及「降低不安全感」最為明顯,在修復能力上則以「關係修復」效果最為顯著。總結而言,各模式的效果與其範圍大小成正比,參與者越多元其修復效果亦越多元。 因此,本研究推崇修復式正義對於被害者損害修復的成效,認為可推廣符合修復式正義精神的和解型態,以有效幫助被害者降低損害,特別是處於弱勢的原住民被害者,如此一來,亦可減少現行司法訴訟源。再者,泰雅文化在穩定社群上具有非凡成效,衝突發生後即進行有修復意義的和解,不僅幫助衝突的弭平,還使雙方當事人、社群間關係立即獲得修復,是一具有高度智慧的紛爭處理模式,國家政策應避免一昧同化,以尊重多元文化。


The literature shows clearly that restorative justice conference could provide remarkable effectiveness for the recovery of victim and mental support. Moreover, according to the studies of Taiwan aborigine that conducted by Japanese researcher s during the colonization period, Atayal tribes have used the mechanism that similar to Australia, Canada and New Zealand aborigine, enable to solve the conflict between tribes or domestic disputes. Due to aborigine’s economy and culture disadvantage, the data shows that the proportion of aborigine involved in crime is higher than the proportion of population. This research is based on respecting the multi-culture and tried to elaborate on the Atayal community to have full picture of the mode which they use to handle the conflict today. Besides, this research adopts the concept of restorative justice to examine the modes that have been used in Atayal community, and to analyze the impact of restorative justice on the injury of victim, in order to evaluate the actual effectiveness of restorative justice on victims’ support. In short, this research has three purposes: (A) Search for the possible restorative justice models in Atayal community. (B) Analyze the effects of restorative justice on the injury of victim. (C)Recommend the future criminal policy in accordance with the result of this study. Firstly, researcher used the method of snowball-rolling to find out the main role who hosted the restorative justice conference or someone who knows about this, and applied to focused group interview to understand current mode. After that the method of snowball-rolling was used again to look for 6 victims who had participated in restorative justice conference, and 5 who had played the third part in that. In order to discover the mode in which the victims took part and the variations of the level which the victims suffer from injuries before and after the restorative justice conference, this research used the main approach of in-depth interview with Semi-Structured questionnaire coordinated with 7-point Likert scale. Finally, depend on the purposes of this subject, researcher used ‘investigator triangulation’ to examine and analyze the information from respondents. The results are as follows: (A) Today, Atayal community still uses the same mechanism that had been used in the pass to solve the conflict, and it certainly consistent with the concept of restorative justice. The pattern of the mode is highly diversified, and it includes: Victim-Offender, Family conference and Community reconciliation. (B) Every mode in Atayal community satisfies all respondents, and has substantial effects in decreasing victims’ harm especially in ‘mental injury’, ‘offender’s false apology’ and ‘unsafety’. The achievement of repair shows most remarkable in restoring the broken relationship. To make a long story short, the effectiveness of the mode is in direct proportion to its range, and the more diverse the participant, the more diverse the effectiveness of the repair. In conclusion, according to the results of noticeably declining in victims’ harm, researchers admire for restorative justice conference and suggest popularizing it. Particularly popularize in aborigine society so as to protect them from weak economy, weak culture and unfriendly criminal justice. In the other hand, popularize restorative justice conference also could reduce litigation. In addition, Atayal culture has great wisdom to deal with conflict and to stabilize their public, we should use respect in place of assimilation.


Restorative Justice Atayal Repair Victim Victim’s Harm




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