  • 學位論文

從地方產業總工會運作探討台灣工會組織狀況 -以桃園縣產業總工會為例

Discusses Taiwan Labor union organization condition from the place industry general labor union operation -Take the Confederation of Taoyuan Trade Union as the example

指導教授 : 劉華真


摘要 台灣的工會組織在解嚴前長期受到國家機器有意識的介入與主導,進而成為其鞏固政權穩定的工具,這樣的狀況直到解嚴後的自主工運才開始受到挑戰,除了透過勞資爭議爭取加班費等法定福利,台灣的勞工運動也開始尋求工會組織的掌握與發展,「產業總工會」就是這個背景下的產物。 但在產業總工會系統成立並運作後,台灣工會組織的運作狀況究竟產生了何種變化?另外,2000年民進黨政府上台後,對於總工會組織的籌組採取開放策略,雖然一元化的工會架構因此瓦解,但是台灣各級工會組織間空洞化的情況卻仍然持續,工會頭人為政治收編的情形也日益嚴重,進而使得工會運動發展並沒有顯著成效,那麼未來台灣的工會組織發展上,有哪些部分應該受到重視? 本研究嘗試回答上述的兩個問題,而首先將從台灣工會發展歷程的角度,探討在不同階段中,政府政策對於工會組織的影響,並且形塑出何種普遍性的勞資關係,接下來將以桃園縣產業總工會為例,探討現階段地方產總運作的基本狀況,並試圖理解現階段工會組織發展的困境。本研究認為,雖然工會法令帶來的相關制度始終影響與鉗制著工會組織,但要突破這個困局的關鍵,卻是作為行動者的工會幹部在組織運作時,必須開始對既有制度進行批判,並從勞工自身的角度思考工會發展的需要。


Abstract Taiwan's Labor union organization receives the state apparatus involvement and the leadership for a long time consciously before rescinding martial law, then becomes its consolidated political power stable tool, such condition only then starts after the rescinding martial law independent labor movement to receive the challenge, Except penetrates the labor dispute to strive for the overtime pay and so on legal welfare, Taiwan's labor movement also starts to seek Labor union organization's grasping with to develop, “Confederation of Trade Union” is under this background product. But after the Confederation of Trade Union system establishes and operates, Taiwan Labor union organization's operation condition actually has had what kind of change? Moreover, after in 2000 Democratic Progressive Party Government came on stage, organized regarding the general labor union to organize adopts the opening strategy, although the unified trade union construction therefore disintegrated, but Taiwan all levels of Labor union organization the cavity situation actually still continued, the trade union headmen the situation which incorporated for politics day by day are also serious, then caused the trade union movement development not remarkable result, then the future Taiwan's Labor union organization will develop on, which parts had to receive takes seriously? This research attempt answers the above two questions, but first from Taiwan trade union development process's angle, will discuss in the different period, government policy regarding Labor union organization's influence, and the shape models what kind of universal labor management relation, then take the Taoyuan County industry general labor union as the example, the discussion present stage place produces the basic condition which always operates, and attempts to understand the present stage Labor union organization develops difficult position. This research believed that although the trade union law brings the related system affects and is immobilizing the Labor union organization throughout, but must break through this predicament the key, is actually takes the mover the trade union cadre when the organization operation, must start to already to have the system to carry on the critique, and from laborer own angle ponder trade union need to develop.




沈牧樺(2015)。戰後臺灣天主教基層修會的勞工牧靈實踐: 以古尚潔與馬赫俊神父為核心的考察〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2015.00290
